sorry for all the crappy titles ;w;

950 59 88

Yea...same problem,I couldn't go to sleep again (눈_눈) but I guess it ain't all that bad (¬‿¬) as long as it makes people laugh.

oh and thank you for all the previous comments and votes! it really motivated me to write more.

well enjoy~~~ (~˘▾˘)~


81. call him a puny captain.

82. lock him in a room with Goku.

83. say he is a fire type Pokemon.

84. stomp on his foot.

85. introduce him to Yuno Gasai and Juuzo Suzumiya.

86. ask him if he is secretly a tsundere.

87. throw a basketball at him.

88. ask him if he thinks Kotaro looks like Pikachu.

89. call him an old man.

90. make him play 'rock,paper,scissors'.

91. ask him if he is Sasori in disguise.

92. or wanna be Gaara.

93. tell him his zodiac sign is shit.

94. shower him with glitters.

95. sprinkle salt on him.

96. ask him if he has imaginary friends.

97. then say you have as well even if he says no.

98. get him drunk and videotape everything.

99. sell the video to the fan girls and post it all over the internet with the tag #drunksei-chan.

100. dress up as him and do stupid things.


on a side note,enjoy this video

if the link doesn't work I will post it in the comments.

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