Chapter 13: The Next Morning

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Kitsune woke up the next morning, feeling a pair of arms wrapped around her. She slowly blinked her eyes open, trying to recall last night's events. That's when she felt slight breath on her neck. She was instantly awake as soon as she realized it, moving her head away out of instinct. She relaxed a little when she saw it was just Jesse, remembering what happened.

With a slight breath, she gently shook him awake. "Jesse, wake up." She quietly said. 

Jesse stirred awake, opening his ruby eyes. When he saw Kitsune laying beside him, he jumped- letting go of her. "Woah-!" Kitsune yelped, falling off the couch and landing on the floor with a yelp. "Ow..." She muttered.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Are you hurt?" Jesse asked, sitting up. 

"Nah, I'm good. After getting sliced open, this is literally nothing in comparison." Kitsune shrugged, standing upwards.

"You're treating that fairly casually." Jesse noted. "Any idea as to what lets you do that yet?" He asked.

"No, not a clue. I can't even remember when I first started seeing ghosts..." Kitsune replied, wrapping her tails around her waist subconsciously. She had a troubled look on her face. It seemed as though the fact that she can't remember why she could do these things was starting to concern her.

Wanting to take her mind off of it, Jesse quickly thought of something. "Hey, let's just forget about it for the time being, alright? For what it's worth, I'm glad that you have your abilities- regardless as to where they came from." He stated, patting her shoulder.

"In any case, I have an idea. Go get dressed, we're heading off to eat." He told her. 

"Oh? Where are we going?" Kitsune curiously asked. 

"I'm not telling you- then it wouldn't be a surprise." Jesse responded.

"Heh, alright, fine. Keep your secrets. I'll be back." Kitsune said, turning to head for the staircase. When she did so, however, something caught Jesse's eye. When Kitsune turned, her hair flowed just enough so that he could see... something on her back. It was just underneath her neck. Some kind of tattoo maybe?

He'd probably have to ask about it later.


Once Kitsune was dressed, they got into Jesse's car and started heading to wherever it was he wanted to take her. Kitsune tried to get a few clues out of him, but to no avail. Eventually, they pulled up to a house- a rather big one at that. It was surrounded by trees- as though the trees were a makeshift fence. The car stopped close by the house.

As Kitsune was getting out of the car, two black, scruffy dogs ran up to her. Their tails were wagging as they barked excitedly. Jesse walked over, causing the dogs to bark even louder. One of them tried to jump on him, at which point Jesse picked it up. "Easy, Oliver. You and Copper might just knock her over." He said.

At that point, something in Kitsune's head clicked. "Oh- this is your house!" She chirped. 

"Heh, yes it is. These two are the dogs I told you about- Copper and Oliver." Jesse informed her, as Copper ran around Kitsune. He gently pawed at her tails, trying to play.

"They're so cute!" Kitsune squealed, crouching down and petting the sweet dog. He flopped over at her feet, exposing his belly. The redhead giggled, giving him belly rubs. 

Jesse chuckled a bit. "I'll go get breakfast started. You can come in whenever you want." He told her, patting his dogs before heading inside.

After five minutes of playing with the sweet dogs, Kitsune headed inside. The kitchen and dining room were right next to the living room, so she decided to sit on the couch. She could see from where she was sitting that Jesse had changed into his usual uniform- minus the gloves. On his hands were strange, purple marks

Kitsune took a glance around the living room, immediately noticing the large grand piano. "You play piano?" She asked. 

"I do, yes. Remind me later, and I'll play something for you." Jesse responded. "Feel free to look around. All I ask is that you don't go through the drawers, but I know you wouldn't do that anyways." He added.

Looking over at the side table, Kitsune noticed a book right next to her. It was a title she had never recognized. 'The Voice From the Well' it was called. Curiosity eating away at her, she picked it up. She looked for the author, eyes widening a bit when she found it. "Jesse J. Thornhart..." She mumbled aloud, snapping her eyes up at Jesse. He wrote books?

She decided to start reading it. After being sure there was no bookmark, she started from the prologue. She'd definitely be sure to find a copy in a store. Just as she finished the prologue, Jesse walked in- coming to tell her that breakfast was ready. "Breakfast is done- oh. What's that you got there?" He asked, not immediately recognizing the book as one he wrote.

"One of your books. I didn't know you were an author!" Kitsune replied, stars in her eyes. "I'm typically not a reader, but this is actually really good! You're a really skilled writer!" She complimented.

Jesse felt his face heat up. He wasn't at all used to compliments, and to hear them from Kitsune was something else entirely. He wasn't a very well known author, so to hear that someone liked them so much genuinely meant a lot to them. "Ah- why thank you. That one's one of my more recent ones." He told her, rubbing the back of his neck.

Kitsune smiled, setting it down and standing up. "I love it. I'll definitely look for more books later!" She chirped, heading for the dining room. Jesse gripped onto his vest, trying to calm his heart down. Though this time, it wasn't a symptom of his anxiety.

It was more so out of happiness and adoration.

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