Chapter 25: Free Time

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(Goodness gracious- I think this is my longest story yet.)

A few days had passed since Kitsune and Jesse's last mission. They decided to take a bit of time off from their work, solely for the sake of their sleep schedules and for Jesse to recover. Kitsune was on her way to Jesse's house, carrying Boo in a little cat carrier. The small kitten let out a faint meow, rubbing his face against the small metal bars.

"I know, I know, you want attention. Sorry Boo, but I can't let you out yet." She stated, chuckling a bit when Boo let out an argumentive sounding meow. "We're going to visit Jesse and his dogs. You wanna see him again, don'tcha?" She asked. Boo only let out a trill.

Kitsune giggled a bit. "Yeah, that's what I-" She paused for a moment, feeling a chill run down her spine. Something felt strangely off. She turned around, examining her surroundings. Nothing seemed to be out of place as far as she could tell. People were walking down the streets, but no one was paying her any mind.

"Must just be my imagination..." She assured herself, turning back to the road ahead. She continued on her way, trying to act like nothing happened at all. It was still really strange, though.

She felt like she was being watched.


Before long, Kitsune had reached the somewhat isolated house. The familiar black dogs went absolutely ballistic, barking excitedly as they ran over to her. Boo curled up, a bit frightened. "Easy you two- you'll scare your new friend!" She eased, crouching down and petting the dogs.

Jesse must've heard the commotion, because it wasn't long before he came outside. "I figured it was you. They typically don't bark like that unless they were excited." He stated, folding his arms with a small half-smirk on his face.

"Heh, hello to you too, Jess." Kitsune stood up, holding the carrier in her hands. "How's your shoulder?" She asked.

"A lot better, thank you. Now I can actually use my arm." Jesse responded, moving his left arm a bit. That was when he noticed the carrier in the redhead's hand. "Is Boo in there?" He asked.

"Correct!!" Kitsune beamed, setting the box down. "I was thinking we could introduce Boo to Oliver and Copper." She stated, as the dogs curiously sniffed the small crate.

She didn't open it just yet. She wanted to see how the dogs would react to Boo. The dogs laid down in front of the cage, watching the small kitten. Boo peered at them, curiosity and playfulness evident by his slightly narrowed pupils. He stuck his paw through the bars, patting one of the dogs' snouts. "Mrrrp!" He trilled, his tail flicking.

The dogs let out a whine, wanting to play with the sentient ball of fluff. Jesse chuckled a bit, glancing at his slightly shorter girlfriend. "I think that means they're ready to play." He remarked. 

"It seems so." Kitsune giggled, walking over and unlatching the small cage.

As soon as he was able to, Boo stepped out of the crate. He let out a small trill as the dogs sniffed him before getting into their 'let's play' positions. Their front halves of their bodies remained close to the ground, as their hind legs stood straight up.

Boo looked at them before gently swatting them with his paws. He backed up, wiggling a little before trying to tackle one of the dogs. Kitsune and Jesse sat by the house as they watched their pets' silly shenanigans.

Kitsune smiled, resting her head on Jesse's shoulder. "This is nice..." She sighed contentedly, nuzzling into him. 

"Indeed. I must admit, it's been a good minute since I felt this relaxed." Jesse responded, wrapping his arm around the young woman.

"I'm glad your shoulder's healing well. Though I don't want you doing that again- you could've been hurt a lot worse." Kitsune reprimanded, pouting a bit. Jesse laughed a bit at her expression, messing up her hair.

"I won't, I won't. You have my word." He stated, smirking at her a bit. "You're taking the whole 'Chastiser' title a bit literally, don't you think?" He teased.

"Haha, you're so funny." Kitsune smiled sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Never took you as the teasing type, Jesse." She mused.

"I'm typically not, but I just couldn't help myself this time around." Jesse responded. 

"Heh, fair enough." Kitsune shrugged.

"Anywho, whatever case we have next, we ought to stay away from the forest a bit. After that last case, I think I wanna distance myself from it a bit." She stated. 

"Understandable. Now you know how I felt after your first case." Jesse remarked.

"Heh, yes, yes I do." Kitsune nodded. They continued to sit together for a while, just talking about whatever came to mind. After some period of time, Kitsune and Boo had to head home. After bidding their goodbyes, the redhead started heading home...

Completely unaware that the storm that had been brewing was going to reach its strongest point the next day.

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