Chapter 27: A Vision

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Meanwhile, Jesse was back at his house- completely oblivious of his partner's whereabouts. He was just outside, feeding his dogs. The small smile on his face faltered a bit when he looked up towards the sky, the sun setting by now. "She usually messages me around now- asking how my day was..." He said out loud, pulling his phone out of his pocket. But alas, no messages from Kitsune.

He sighed, standing up. "Perhaps she's just busy right now... If she doesn't answer tomorrow, I'll go over and check on her." He stated, patting his dogs' heads before heading inside.

After getting ready for bed, he checked his phone again. Still no new notifications. With a quiet exhale, he sent her a quick message. Nothing too special- just a simple: "Goodnight, I love you." He set his phone down on the nightstand, pulling the blankets over himself.

After roughly half an hour, Jesse was asleep. He shivered a little in his sleep, the room suddenly growing colder. He didn't wake up- not even when the pale specter that Kitsune was talking to appeared. The former scientist looked at him, taking in his appearance. "This must be him- I'm sure of it..." She muttered, floating closer.

"I guess a vision ought to work.." She stated. With a deep breath, she placed her index and middle fingers on Jesse's forehead- transferring the events that had occurred into his subconscious.

All she had to do now was wait.


In Jesse's 'dream', he very quickly realized something was amiss. The biggest thing that tipped that off? The fact that he could stick his arm through a building like it wasn't even there. Oh, and of course the ghost lady that was standing right next to him.

"What on earth-" He muttered, quickly noticing as his girlfriend walked down the street. "Kitsune?" He quietly said, speed walking over to her. On her shoulder was a bag of sorts. She was humming a song he hadn't recognized, a cheerful smile on her lips.

Her eyes went to the bag she was carrying. "I wonder if I should take up writing like Jesse does..." She suddenly said, catching Jesse off guard. "It'd be cool to impress him with something." She added, smiling more to herself as she looked up.

Jesse couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face after he heard that. He wasn't sure what it was, but hearing her say such a thing brought a sense of warmth to his heart. "If you did, I'd be more than happy to read it." He stated, even though she couldn't hear.

"But then again, what would I write about?" The redhead asked herself. "I'm sure you'll think of some-" Jesse was cut off as three figures grabbed the young woman and pulled her into the alleyway. She let out a frightened yelp, sending Jesse on high alert. He quickly dashed into the alley as well, forgetting that no one could see him.

Kitsune struggled in the one that was restraining her, begging to be released. That's when one of them addressed her- making Jesse freeze. He called her by her original name- Subject K1t-su13. That's when it finally set in- who these people were, and who they were with.

Jesse gritted his teeth, furious that his old tormentors had found her. That was when the one holding her still covered her mouth with the rag with chloroform. He was absolutely powerless, having no choice but to watch as Kitsune thrashed- trying to fight off her assailants. The tears that rolled down her cheeks as she blacked out really put the final nail in the coffin- this was one of the hardest things Jesse had to witness.

After Kitsune was transported into the van, the scene completely vanished- leaving Jesse and the ghost woman alone in a purple void. Jesse fell to the ground, in complete shock at what he saw. "She wanted me to tell you where you were..." The ghost suddenly stated, prompting Jesse to look over at her.

"What... Where is she?" He asked. "The same place they held you. Go there, and you will find her. She's waiting for you." Was the only response he got, as he suddenly woke up.


Throwing himself upright, Jesse awoke suddenly. After giving himself a moment to process the vision, he quickly got out of bed. His crimson eyes were practically glowing with anger he didn't even know he was capable of having. He stormed over to his closet- grabbing one his shirts, a black jacket, his pants, and a purple cape. He picked up his scythe, heading out the door.

He quickly got into his car and sped off- his heart racing with adrenaline. His hands tightly gripped the steering wheel, his eyes narrowed the entire time. He was out on a mission. The ones that took Kitsune from him made a horrible mistake..

Now it was their turn for them to feel fear.

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