Ch 16: Infiltrating Atlas

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Cipher pov:

I am packing my rifle into a drop pod. I am going to be trying to join the Atlesian military. Solely for intelligence reasons, of course. Wouldn't be my first time playing double agent, and definitely won't be my last.

I close the pod and walk back to my quarters. I change into some clothes that would be considered "normal" for Remnant: brown boots, blue jeans, and a red flannel. I heard Atlas was an arctic nation, so I will also be wearing a heavy coat. This way, the holo-disguise only has to conceal my cybernetics and scars. My pistol shouldn't draw too much attention.

Once I'm changed, I go to the hangar and enter my ship. Raina Temple is running some diagnostics in the cockpit.

Cipher: Is this thing ready to go?

Raina looks at me with a smirk.

Raina: Ready to go, as always.

Cipher: Good. We're going to travel to a city in a nation called "Atlas." It's an arctic nation, so keep the ship running as much as you can while we're there.

Raina: What are we going to do clear up there?

Cipher: I'm going to infiltrate their military. See what type of technology these people have in the way of weapons.

Raina: Any of the others coming?

Cipher: No. Once I successfully enlist, you are going to come back up to the Desolator. I'm going to be down there a while.

Raina: Just don't do anything stupid. You should probably get some more rest. Sounds like you'll need the energy.

Cipher: Of course.

I go to my ship's quarters, undress, and lay down on the king size bed. In comparison to my quarters on the Desolator, my quarters on my starship are rather luxurious. Not my design. This came with the X-70B Phantom prototype.

I'm not complaining, though. That just means I can get a more comfortable rest.

*timeskip with chibi Cipher holding back angry chibi Kaliyo*

Raina *over comm link*: Ok, Cipher. We're near the city called Mantle. The cloak is activated, so we won't be seen.

I get up and get dressed in my disguise. I go to the cockpit and look out the windshield. The mid-day sun was high in the sky. Sure enough, we were approaching a city. However, something wasn't right.

Cipher: Why the hell is a city floating above another city?

Raina: I've poured over any maps that I could slice into. Mantle is the city on the ground. The city of Atlas is floating above Mantle with "gravity dust."

Cipher: I smell government lies already.

Raina: Probably.

Cipher: Alright. Drop me somewhere secluded within city limits. Keep the cloaking activated. Once I'm dropped, book it out of there and get back to the Desolator. I probably won't get in contact with you for a good while.

Raina: What if something goes wrong?

Cipher: I'll contact you guys if that happens.

Raina: Just be careful.

Cipher: As always.

I attach a rappelling belt on myself, grab a duffel bag with more clothes, and walk to the ship's airlock. I feel the ship stop moving forward, and the airlock opens. The ship is hovering over an open lot. A cable drops from a slot on the ship. I hook up and begin rappelling to the ground.

Once I reach the ground, I detach and put the belt in my duffel bag. I give the cable a tug, and it retracts to the ship. I see the airlock close and the ramp retract before I hear the ship fly away.

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