Chapter 9: Who's He

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-Syaoran's Bedroom-

Syaoran groaned and cursed in his native language, kicking away his bed covers. The trumpet blare had been the wake-up call, alright. It always had been. Those bloody trumpeters. If only he could find a way to clog up their spit valves…

Sighing, the prince got out of his bed and froze, feeling his legs wobble weakly under him. An equation formed in his head. A somewhat unpleasant equation.

Muscle cramps: yesterday's meadow chase.

Yesterday: last day of relaxation.

This equals to: today is the day he and Sakura go on their much-dreaded journey.

He fainted.

-Sakura's Bedroom-

The princess sweatdropped at the loud 'thump' next door. She brushed her long hair through for the last time, and stood up. Her Star Pendant hung from her neck, swinging to every turn of her hips. Kero sat on her shoulder loyally, but he was crying.

"My muffin stash… why can't we bring it with us?!" He whined, blowing his nose into a tissue. He was warned by Tomoyo, if he EVER dirtied the - dare he quote - 'cute' white guard-like uniform he was wearing, he'll never see a smidgen of sugar again.

Sakura shook her head. "I don't think either Irie or Zeko could bring 327869 buttered muffins on their backs, Kero-chan." She rolled her eyes as Kero wailed again. Sighing, she placed her hairbrush back onto her vanity, tied up her hair in a messy ponytail, and left for the royal dining hall for her breakfast.

-The Main Corridors, leading to the Royal Dining Hall-

Sakura opened the double doors and was greeted by a cloud of dust. She coughed violently, and waved her hands in front of her face, clearing wisps of dust within her breathing range. Kero had his tissue to filtrate his air, so he was okay.

Sakura continued to wave her hands around, and unexpectedly slapped someone in all her confusion. "Watch it!" The man hissed, rubbing his red cheek. Sakura blew the mist of dust blocking her vision away and gasped. "Li-kun!" She breathed, gushing over Syaoran like a mother to her child. Kero gagged and flew off into the dust… errm… storm.

Syaoran fidgeted, blushing involuntarily as Sakura kissed his pains away- I mean, kissed his cheek. "Is that better? I'm sorry! I can't see in this-" Before she could finish, Syaoran sliced off her oxygen supply… again.

With her lips frowning cutely like that, and her beautiful voice attacking his senses, how could he resist? After all, no-one could possibly find them in this dusty place, anyway… right?


"Open the windows! …Nadeshiko, honey, remind me never to leave a hall as big as this unused for fourteen years… at least I should clean it every now and then!" Fujitaka huffed crossly.

Sakura and Syaoran jumped away from each other, dotty-eyed. They shrunk into tiny chibi forms and crawled away from each other. Syaoran ran to his room to change, his clothes being dusty and all, while Tomoyo caught Sakura by her tunic. "Young lady! How dare you go around the palace in such filthy, boyish peasant clothes!" She shouted in pure horror, looking at Sakura heatedly as the chibi emerald-eyed princess dangled from her hand. Sakura laughed nervously.

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