Chapter 16: Legacy Dragons

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The spirit laid the bouquet of flowers by the dress. She squinted, pouted, and sighed.

This is not good enough.

She sat daintily on an invisible floor, floating in the air as she contemplated her latest work.

It was too shoddy. She'd have to re-create it.

The Flower grimaced as she whisked away the flowers beside white dress. What to do…?

This calls for a meeting. Between all of the Clow cards.

In a glitter of magic, all Clow spirits were gathered in a circle. The whole book was abuzz with excitement. The Firey kept zapping a snapdragon into the bouquet, but The Watery flushed it out because it kept setting fire to all of the other flowers. The Light crammed in a few sunflowers, but The Dark turned them into black roses. The Wood suggested putting in twigs, but she was ignored. I mean, come on. Twigs in a wedding bouquet?

"We have to find a suitable set of flowers for the Master. It is her wedding, after all." The Hope whispered into the ears of her friends with a worried expression on her face.

"Yes. During her journey, we didn't help her a bit, so we have to help her now, agreed?" The Light said, smiling.

"Well, it wasn't exactly our fault she didn't call us out." The Dark said nonchalantly, flipping her long dark hair over her shoulders.

"…I'm sorry. The opportunity never came up." A voice laughed. The Clow spirits turned to smile at their master.

"Sakura-sama." They chorused, smiling back. The Dark turned away, humiliated by the fact that her last remark had been regarded.

"Well, about the flowers… I've insisted on these." Tomoyo sauntered in, holding up a bunch of white Orinties mixed with black ones. She placed them beside the beautiful laced wedding dress.

"Sorry guys. But thanks anyway." Sakura apologized, bowing to her subordinates. The Clow Cards pouted one by one.

"Aww… but we wanted to help!" The Rain whined, whizzing around in her mini cloud.

Sakura contemplated the matter for a few minutes. The Clow spirits waited in anxiety.

"I know. If it's not too much to ask, can you all help with the wedding preparations?" Sakura requested.

The Clow Cards cheered.

"Of course! We'd be glad to help with anything. After all, it's our master's wedding day!" The Light laughed when Sakura blushed. The Dark only grunted.

"All right! Let's get physical!" The Firey boomed, pumping her fist into the air. The Watery stared at her gloomily.

"Must you be so fiery?" The spirit hissed.

"Hey, I don't appreciate implied sarcasm. Especially when it involves my name."

"But I have to say, the phrase, 'Let's get physical!' has a pretty ambiguous meaning." The Create said robotically, opening a page of himself to the lyrics of the song (entitled with same name).

Sakura giggled and waved them off.

"Where are the Clow spirits going?" Nadeshiko questioned, entering the bride's bedroom with Denaii.

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