Chapter 10: A Watchful Guardian

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-Fireatta Village-

"…Humorous?! What do you mean?!" Syaoran snapped as Sakura tried to hold him back. Rarreu just stared at him coolly. "You know, it seems like we're starting to resemble cats and mice." He said, slightly peeved. Syaoran counted to ten, thinking that it's best that the reputation of 'Kanzei-kun' be protected. Killing this person would certainly earn him scornful feedback from people all over the land, and their journey might get a little bit too stressful to handle.

"You are the baka neko, surely." Rarreu prodded further with his choice of words. Syaoran just exploded right there. "You! Who are you? How dare you tease and mock members of the royal family! Anyway, if I'm the baka neko, then you're the stinky kuso nezumi!" Rarreu shrugged. "At least I'm not the one stupid enough to believe me." Syaoran screamed in frustration and counted to a hundred. Sakura decided that Syaoran had enough.

"Kind sir, may you spare us the knowledge of how you became to know of my partner's identity?" She asked business-likely, smiling. Rarreu smiled back at her charmingly. "Ah, my princess. I reckon that you remember the fireworks display a few nights back?" He reminded her, pointing to the sky. Sakura nodded eagerly.

"Well, I'm the one who prepared it for you! Ah, such a wonderful piece, the Clawing Rainbow Dragon! Isn't it, baka neko?" The blonde teenager smiled evilly to Syaoran, who fumed. "You see, we pyrotechnicians make fireworks. Admirable, huh? And while I was doing the last arrangements for the Clawing Rainbow Dragon for Your Majesties, Kinomoto-hime, I heard you mutter Prince Li's name amidst your affair." Rarreu said again, nonchalantly. Sakura and Syaoran felt as though the air around them were fifty degrees Celsius.

"Y-You saw us… Satoshi-san?" Sakura squeaked. Rarreu shrugged. "It was accidental, I would say." Sakura and Syaoran looked at each other shyly, and blushed even more. After a few more blushes, Syaoran finally mumbled out his thoughts.

"This is bad. If word got out, the enemy would be tailing us for the rest of the journey. I have an idea, but I don't like it." Sakura and Rarreu looked at him curiously. "Let us hear it, Li-san." Rarreu said gravely. Syaoran glanced at him, then at Sakura. With a final, defeated sigh, he grumbled: "Satoshi-san… would have to join us."


The three of them rode out of Fireatta, sacks full of supplies. Rarreu's mother had tearfully let him go, while Reiya packed them a lot of food for their long journey. Now, Syaoran was mounted on Zeko, Sakura on Irie and Rarreu on Blanche.

Rarreu and Sakura were chatting away about random things, smiling and laughing as Syaoran glanced at them jealously. But he didn't actually realize that he was jealous. He thought maybe he was too annoyed by all their loud chattering. Kero and Foxip were both chasing each other, flying everywhere.

"Hey Foxxy! I bet you can't catch me!"

"I can so, Kero! I can also do a loop-the-loop at the same time! Muahaha!"

Sakura and Rarreu sweatdropped at them. "Wow, they're really getting along well, huh?" Rarreu said, nodding to the two hyperactive creatures. Sakura made a face, but then erupted into tiny giggles. Syaoran gripped his reins harder and galloped a bit, distancing himself as he grumbled about Sakura trusting Rarreu too much.

After a few more hours of riding, they stopped at a forest. It had a small stream cutting through it, so Sakura spent a little bit of time filling their water containers as Syaoran and Rarreu set up camp. The sun had already dived beyond the horizon by the time they settled down around a bonfire, eating some of the takoyaki Reiya packed for them. Kero and Foxip munched their way through Kero's remaining muffins before drifting to sleep inside Sakura's tent.

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