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They were all in the Quinjet, free from their respective visions, but Nadia sat in the corner of a jet, away from the others, her head resting on her knees with her arms wrapped around her legs, still getting over the pain Wanda had caused by trying to get in her mind,

"The news is loving you guys" Hill commented "nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air"

"Stark and Ryan Relief Foundation?" Stark asked

"Already on the scene" she replied "how's the team?"

"Everyone's . ." looking at the others "we took a hit. We'll shake it off"

"Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here" nodding slightly

"So, run and hide?" He asked

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer" shrugging her shoulders

"Neither do we" ending the call

He switched off the monitor, walking over to Barton, who was flying the Quinjet,

"Hey, you wanna switch out?" He asked

"No, I'm good" Barton replied "if you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out"

"A few hours from where?" His eyebrows furrowing slightly

"A safe house" keeping his eyes on the sky

". . I'm sorry" Nadia said softly

When her power took control, it knocked the team down, some of them had landed wrong, but they were all okay.

"You don't have to apologize" Barton replied, turning his head slightly to look at her "she was trying to get in your mind"

"Your power protected you" Loki added, sitting down next to her "that's all that happened, little one"

"What was that, anyways?" Stark asked, turning to look at Nadia

A small sigh emitted from her nose, raising her head and leaning it back against the wall,

"My mind is protected by my power" she informed "no one can enter my mind unless I let them. When someone tries, it ends up hurting me"

"When the pain doesn't stop, her power takes over" Loki added "and forces it to stop. It matters not to whomever is in range"

The Quinjet landed outside a large farmhouse, Steve and Loki helped Nadia to her feet, the two of them making sure she was okay since she still felt bad for what happened, all of them walking down the ramp as soon as it lowered, and toward the house,

"What is this place?" Thor asked, looking around

"A safe house?" Stark asked, looking around as well

"Exactly" Barton replied, all of them walking inside the house "honey, I'm home!"

His heavily pregnant wife, Laura, walks in from the kitchen, a smile forming on his lips when he saw her,

"Hi" he greeted "company. Sorry I didn't call ahead"

"Hey" she greeted with a smile, walking over to him

"This is an agent of some kind" Stark commented to Thor as Laura kissed Barton

"Guys, this is Laura" Barton introduced after they both pulled back

"I know all your names" Laura added with a smile, the team looking at her awkwardly "you must be Nadia Ryan, it's great to meet you. Clint's told me a lot about you"

"Good things, I hope?" Nadia asked, giving her a small smile

"Of course" nodding slightly

"Ooh, incoming" Barton announced

Two children, Cooper and Lila, run in the room,

"Dad!" Lila exclaimed happily

"Hi, sweetheart!" picking her up, kissing the top of his son's head "hey, buddy! How you guys doing? Ooh . ."

"These are . . smaller agents" Stark commented as they watched, surprised

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Lila asked

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Natasha asked with a smile

Lila rushes towards Natasha, who picks her up in her arms,

"Sorry for barging in on you" Steve said politely

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed" Stark added

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined" Barton explained "he kept it off Shield's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low. Nadia's actually the only one that knew" causing their attention to turn to her

"Would you like your secrets revealed?" She asked, her voice laced with sarcasm

The hallucinations brought on by Wanda continue to creep up in Thor's mind and he walks out of the house,

"Thor" Steve said, following him

"I saw something in that dream" he replied "I need answers, I won't find them here" using his hammer to fly away


As Laura had insisted, Nadia helped herself in the kitchen, but she wasn't making anything for herself or the team, she was actually making a tea for the woman of the house, one that a certain little one had been wanting.

"If they're sleeping here, some of them are gonna have to double up" Laura said, causing Nadia to turn her head slightly

"Well, we don't have to worry about three of them" Barton replied "Nadia is Steve and Loki's soulmate"

"What about Nat and Dr. Banner?" curiosity in her voice

"Soulmates too" nodding slightly

". . . It's bad, right?" her voice gentle "Nat seems really shaken"

"Ultron has these allies, these uh, kids, they're punks really" he explained "they carry a big damn stick and Nat took a serious hit, so did Nadia. Someone's gonna have to teach 'em some manners"

"And that someone is you" smiling at him "you know I totally support your Avenging, I couldn't be prouder. But I see those guys, those Gods . .

"You don't think they need me" looking at her

"I think they do" she countered "which is a lot scarier. They're a mess"

"Yeah" nodding slightly "I guess they're my mess"

"You need to be sure that this team is really a team and that they have your back" she advised "things are changing for us. In a few months time, you and me are gonna be outnumbered. I need . ." sighing lightly "just be sure"

"Yes, ma'am" giving her a small nod

". . Excuse me" Nadia said

They looked at her, seeing that she was holding up a cup of tea with both of her hands,

"Your bun has been wanting this" holding the tea out to Laura

It was celestial tea, with two spoons of honey, made just right, Laura looking at the woman in confusion, wondering how Nadia knew what the baby was thinking, but taking the tea anyway with a small smile. She took a drink of the tea, the temperature wasn't too hot, feeling the baby in her belly kick in appreciation, a chuckle emitting from Laura,

"Thank you" she said, looking at Nadia

"You're welcome" her smile growing

Violet Vol. IIWhere stories live. Discover now