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After the events in Sokovia, the team arrived in the new Avengers Compound, Barton had returned home to his family, just in time for the birth of his son, a smile on Nadia's lips as she looked at Natasha's phone, which showed a video of the baby, wearing a blue onesie. A soft gasp emitted from her when she saw the name stitched into his clothes,

Nathaniel Ryan Barton

"Oh" she said, tears forming in her eyes as she placed a hand on her chest "he named his son after us. I'm going to go tell Steve and Loki!"

Natasha watched in amusement as her power consumed her, teleporting her to her soulmates.

"There's going to be quiet a bit of time on missions" Steve said as he walked the grounds with Nadia, Loki walking along her other side

"I'm aware of that" Nadia replied, her hands clasped in front of her as her power changed her current clothes into her suit "which means it will put our search on hold for a little while"

"We will find him, little one" Loki assured, his hands clasped behind him

"The mark is starting to burn" she informed "we've been away from each other for too long" a sigh emitting from her "I just hope he's okay"

Steve and Loki knew the consequences of being away from their soulmate for too long, their mark would begin to burn, they'd be ome irritable or defensive, not wanting anyone to be near them until they had their soulmate back in their arms. It had been the same with them whenever they were on long missions, but none of them knew what happened after the irritability or the defensiveness, and they didn't really want to find out. But something within Nadia knew that she would find Bucky again, but she didn't know how their reunion would be, if he trusted himself to be around her.


"The rules have changed" Steve said as he walked through a hall with, Stark, Thor Loki and Nadia

"We're dealing with something new" Stark replied

"Well, the Vision's artificial intelligence" nodding slightly

"A machine" he added

"So it really shouldn't count" Nadia commented

"No" Stark agreed "it's not like a person lifting the hammer"

"Right" Steve said "different rules for us"

"Nice guy, but artificial" he pointed out

"Thank you" nodding slightly

"If he can wield the hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone" Thor spoke up "it's safe with the Vision and these days, safe is in short supply"

"But if you put the hammer in an elevator . ." Nadia trailed off

"It would still go up" Stark replied

"Elevator's not worthy" Steve replied, shaking his head slightly

"I'm going to miss these little talks of ours" Thor said, amused at the conversation

"Well, not if you don't leave" Stark said

"I have no choice" he replied "the Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. That's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. But once all these pieces are in position . ."

"Triple Yahtzee?" as they all walked outside

"You think you can find out what's coming?" Nadia asked, looking at the God of Thunder

"I do" Thor replied, nodding slightly "besides this one . ." lightly hitting Stark in the arc reactor in his chest "nothing that can't be explained"

Thor walked forward into the grass, turning around and giving his brother a nod, which simply caused the God of Mischief and Lies to return the gesture. He rose his hammer in the air, a large beam of light shooting down from the sky, carrying the God of Thunder back to Asgard, which also left a distinct burn mark in the grass.

"That man has no regard for lawn maintenance" Stark commented "I'm gonna miss him though. And you're gonna miss me. There's gonna be a lot of manful tears" as they walk over towards Stark's car

"I will miss you, Tony" Steve said honestly

"Yeah?" as the car drove up next to them "well, it's time for me to tap out. Maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book and build Pepper a farm, hope nobody blows it up"

"The simple life" Nadia said, a small smile on her lips

"You'll get there one day" he assured

"Stark, I'm a mutant who's soulmates are a super soldier, a god and another person who we still have to find" reminding him "there will be no such thing as a simple life for the four of us"

"You want to keep staring at the wall, or do you want to go to work?" Nadia asked as the three walked over to her "I mean, it seems like a pretty interesting wall"

"I thought Steve and Tony were still gazing into each other's eyes" sarcasm in Natasha's voice as she walked over to them "how do we look?"

"Well, we're not the '27 Yankees" Steve replied as he handed a tablet to the redhead

"We've got some hitters" looking at the screen

"They're good" Nadia said

"They're not a team" Steve added

"Let's beat 'em into shape" Natasha said

The four of them entered the hangar, Vision turning around, looking at them, War Machines mask raising from his face as he gave them a small smile, Falcon landing on his feet with his wings retracting back in his suit. Wanda landed on her feet, the training in her powers already paying off as she had become Nadia's student, dressed in a red suit that Nadia thought could use some more modifications, but she was sure she would get to that in time. Pietro zoomed in, sliding on his feet as he came to a stop next to his twin sister, a smile forming on Nadia's lips as she looked at every single new member of their team, they still had a long way to go, but she was sure they would make excellent additions.

"Avengers . . !"

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