The next morning

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Shane's POV

I almost cried at the same time as her but right when I starting feeling the tears coming I grabbed her head and kissed her
"what was I doing?" I thought, I have a girlfriend and I love her,
When I was holding Molly, I forgot all about Lindsey. I felt like I was just a guy kissing a girl he likes, not kissing a girl because she's a cheerleader and I'm a football player.
I saw a bottle of vodka sitting on the kitchen counter, so much shit will go down today I didn't want to think about it
before I knew it I drank the whole bottle of vodka and walked to school and barely remembered anything. I don't even think I was wearing shoes.

Molly's POV
I rode the bus like I always do, but it was different this time
I felt like I was actually happy for once, I didn't feel like a lost cause.
I walked into Washington High School and ran into Shay
"So I heard a miracle came true on the track field the other night.." she said in a confident voice.
Yeah I feel so.. WAIT I didn't tell you anything about last night how'd you hear about that?
"Samantha! From science, she posted a photo on twitter."
WHAT SHE WHAT WHAT I said in a panicked voice right when Lindsey showed up.
"So I heard you were being friendly with MY boyfriend last night, he just felt so bad for you he gave you a little sympathy kiss, how sweet is my boyfriend?"
He has a name. I replied
"Yes it is Shane as in Shane is my boyfriend, not yours. so back off." Lindsey said in a snappy tone.
I would like you to know he kissed me, so stop being a little bitch and accept it.
"Oh that's it, first you kiss MY boyfriend and than you call me a bitch."
She slapped me hardly and walked away, I yelled her name and said
HEY! at least I'm not a fucking whore.
I walked away and saw Shane beside my locker.
"Hey so want to hook up this weekend?" he said in a douchey voice
You have a girlfriend, remember?
"That bitch? She's insaaanne"
are you drunk? why are you drunk at 7 in the morning?
Woooww mom, if you must know, I was a wee bit tired and
shane fell to the ground while he was talking
I yell at the top of my lungs HELP! HELP! SHANE COLLAPSED PLEASE HELP!
(AN: Sorry for the cliffhanger! I hope you guys like the third chapter and continue reading, please vote if you like it so far! :)

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