~Drakon and Kraken~(2)

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The Little Sea Witch

Sharrkan was currently on a foreign boat whose crew rescued him from the desert island. The reason they even found him was from a small fire he created with sticks he found in the vegetated part of the island. The crew had set the anchor so they could rest for the night. It was the lookout in the crow's nest that spotted the fire.

The crew brought the anchor up and set sail to the island to look for people. They found Sharrkan by the fire sitting waiting for them. There were language difficulties at first but being a prince he knew several languages. He was able to explain to the crew that he almost drowned and got stuck on the island. He would have explained more, but he fainted from last minute side effects of almost drowning and not eating for almost a whole day.

Now the prince was below deck recovering from his near death experience. If there was one thing that Sharrkan didn't was to be made fun of. One of the crewmen made a comment about how odd his clothing was. Sharrkan had noticed that the crew looked at him as if he had two heads. The crew was as he is taught by one of his many tutors, 'Asian'. Sharrkan was being treated by the ship's doctor; the said man who made the comment came to visit him. He greeted the prince with a stern look; he had long dark green hair, cropped short around his face, amber eyes, and a single hanging earring on his left ear.

"وأنا قبطان هذه السفينة. من أنت؟"
(I'm the captain of this ship. Who are you?)

The prince simply stood and bowed to show respect before answering, " اسمي شاركان. أنا الأمير من هيليوهابت." (My name is Sharrkan. I am the prince from Heliohapt.)

The captain gave a small nod; he headed above deck barking commands. The crew was sailing to Heliohapt; to the captain it was the perfect opportunity to start an alliance with them.

Under da Sea

The sea witch had made it back home a few hours ago. She was able to test her spell that ended up being a complete failure. She was over the spell; she spent over two weeks try to perform the spell, but nothing was working. She could always go back to it later she was only 24 she had hundreds of years to live and learn. The sea witch was well known in the underwater kingdom of Sindria. The sea witch worked under Princess Dunya; sadly the princess had turned to sea foam now leaving a merman named Sinbad in charge. The new king is a 'lady killer' and a drunk, it amazed her that he was chosen.

Along with the new king there was a new advisor named Ja'far. He is a white-haired merman who did most of the king's paperwork. For the life of her, she couldn't understand what made Sinbad so desirable to another woman. Yes, he was a king, but before that women still swooned over him. Then again she didn't understand why most men found her attractive she didn't enjoy. She couldn't get herself a boyfriend of her choice, so it made no sense to her.

Time seemed to pass quickly to the sea witch, what was afternoon became night with only a glance outside. She only sighed when she realized that she let the day slip through her fingers. She thought back about the day and what she was doing to pass the time so quickly; it was that while studying a new spell she found herself thinking about the human again. She felt bad for leaving the human alone; it made her wonder if he was ok.

She just shook her head at that notion; she broke a major law by saving that human. Merpeople could not live with surface dwellers in harmony; humans feared the unknown. She felt different around that human; it was something she never knew before.

The sea witch kept wondering about the feeling as she got ready for bed. She couldn't spend any more time thinking about it she had an important meeting with the new king in the morning. She knew the meeting was going to the start of a long task of new duties.

The Little Sea Witch #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now