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Gossip was flooding the streets of Heliohapt, while the prince carried the mysterious woman that morning an islander had spotted them. Everyone was a buzz of this news; even in the castle the maids and servants were talking about the mysterious woman. The prince had carried her in and left her in his room; he came out shortly after entering and demanded Pisti. Pisti is a small female from another island, as part of a special alliance, she was staying with the royal family to ensure safe trade between the two. Pisti looked young but was in fact 18 years old; who acted like a child, so it wasn't surprising that most got confused about her age. Everyone knew her for her light colored skin; a rare site to see in Heliohapt.

Pisti had come to befriend the prince to where they go out drinking until they got so drunk that another ally had to drag them back to the palace. His name was Masrur he came from the Dark Continent; he is tall and stronger than another man on the island. He stood out with his light skin, muscles, pink hair, and pink eyes. He was the silent type that barely spoke. Unlike Pisti, who is an energetic ball of cute, Pisti came almost immediately as soon as she heard the gossip.

"Oh, my Shar is it true? Is it!? Is it!? You found a woman and brought her here to the palace!?" She squealed as she ran up to him.

"Yes I did, listen she's in my room rig-" Shar was answering her question until he stopped when she went into his room.

He quickly followed closing the door behind him. He entered to find the woman he found to be on his bed looking terrified as Pisti bombarded her with questions. The woman turned to the see the prince and quickly dove to him, hiding behind him clinging to him in fear.

"PISTI! Look at what you've done you've scared her. As I was trying to tell you before I found her in the water only wearing this robe and headpiece. She doesn't have the ability to speak; however she does understand us. I was going to ask you to take her to be cleaned up and dressed. I was hoping to find out where she's from." Sharrkan scolded Pisti.

"Sorry, I'm excited that you found a girl." Pisti explained with an excited grin.

Sharrkan just sighed; he turned to the slightly trembling woman and placed a hand softly on top of her head. She looked up into his eyes, Sharrkan felt something pang in his heart, but couldn't place it.

"Listen I know you're scared right now but I promise that everything will be ok. This is Pisti," He gestured towards said female "she didn't mean to scare you. She is going to take you to get cleaned up and dressed in new clothes."

Yamu couldn't help but blush a little by his kind words, she slowly stood up but still held onto Sharrkan. Pisti walked over and out reached her hand to Yamu, Yamu stared at the hand for a while and then took a look at Pisti's face. She had a bright smile on her face and a feeling of warmth in her eyes that told her it was okay. Yamu finally took the hand and was lead out of the room to the bathroom.

Sharrkan smiled as the two left; it was nice to know that she seemed to trust him. The smile faded as he remembered he had to meet with his father. It was going to be about his future. So he dressed and left to meet with his parent.

With Pisti

Pisti took the blue haired maiden to the bathroom; it took her a while to get her bath ready, but she had been more occupied with getting her into the tub without her robe and headpiece. Eventually, she got the idea and was assisted with being washed by servants. During her bath, Pisti looked for a dress that would fit her. Pisti had taken dresses that she guessed that would fit the girl; she even grabbed a servant's uniform. When she got back to the bathroom she was greeted by the mysterious girl who was only wearing a wearing a cloth that barely covered her body.

"Ok, I got you a bunch of dresses to wear, let's see what fits you." Pisti told her as she took hold of the blunette's hand. She walked her over to the changing area so they could get started.

In front of the Palace

A cloaked figure stood at the gates and was in an argument with the guards.

"In need to get in I have to speak with-" The figure tried to talk but was stopped by the guard's demand.

"I don't care who you need to talk to you're not getting in until you identify yourself." One of the guards stated robotically as he been taught to do.

"I don't have time to waste on you," The female voice stated she reached into her bag "hope that you'll wake soon." After saying that she blew, a red dust in his face and blew the rest in the other's guards face.

"How troublesome." She mumbled to herself as she walked through the gates.

Throne Room

"You've requested my presence father?" Sharrkan asked uninterested.

The two white-haired men stood alone on the balcony as they both over watched the kingdom below them.

"Yes my son we have to have a serious talk about you future." The king said as he kept his eyes locked on his kingdom.

"What about? I know that I'm going to become king when I'm 21."

"Yes well, in recent light of almost losing you I've decided that it's time you find a wife."

"Yeah, sur-A WHAT!?" Sharrkan couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You'll need to be married to become king and your birthday is about nine months away from now."

"It'll be my 20th birthday though." Sharrkan shot back.

The king closed his eyes and spoke. "As I said you needed a wife before you can become king. I've arranged for a voyage that'll take you to 8 kingdoms each of which have a princess of your choosing. You'll spend a month with each you'll leave in a three days."

"Three days!?" Sharrkan repeated astounded.

"I suggest you tell Pisti and Masrur about this, I'd believe that should come along to kept you in line. A crew has been set up to take to each island."

"I can't go on this trip." Sharrkan begged.

"Why not!?" His father demanded finally making eye contact with his son.

"Because something came up, and three days isn't going to be enough time to handle it." Sharrkan fired back rising his voice.

"What could be-"

"Introducing the cleaned up, washed ashore beauty." Pisti announced interrupting the king's question.

Pisti held her hand gesturing to an empty space; it was a moment or two before the blue haired beauty stepped into the space. She wore her hair in a low side pony and a simple strapless dress with a belt that was just under her breasts making them pop out more. She wore her headpiece around her neck now.

"Who is this?" The king as surprised

"I don't know, yet." Was Sharrkan's answer

"Alas, I do." Came a female voice from behind the blue haired beauty as she was called.

They all turned to the cloaked female, standing in the entrance.

"Who are you?" Pisti asked.

"You may call Yin." Was the figure said.

The Little Sea Witch #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now