~Have We Met?~(3)

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Under The Sea

Yamu had followed the sea witch crossbreed into the cove. Once inside Yamu discovered that it wasn't like any other cove it was filled with everything a sea witch would need. Yamu simply called out before entering any further, "Excuse me, I'm sorry to come into your home like this, but you said you knew about me. I wish to know how exactly."

The only thing, that could be heard was a giggle that came from deep within the cove. Yamu followed the giggle to the sea witch's cauldron, where Yamu was surprised to find that the other sea witch was watching the Merking Sinbad sleep. Yamu groaned inwardly; another had fallen for the drunk.

Yamu cleared her throat to catch the attention of the sea witch who had a scarlet blush on her face realizing that Yamu had seen her little secret.

"How may I help you?" Was all Kougyoku asked her making her way to a calm that opened up revealing it to hold ingredients for a potion.

"I wanted to know how much you exactly know about me." She said sternly as she kept watching her.

"Oh, that's all?"

"Yes that's why I followed you here."

"Well, I know you through your teacher. We knew each other from a special society of sea witches, we come together to discuss any serious issues like if another sea witch was causing trouble we'd gather and discuss what to do about the issue at hand. Sadly your master was the head of the society, and when he passed away he did not choose anyone to take over and there was a big power struggle. Long story short the society was disbanded."

"I do recall him leaving me alone once in a while he never told me where he went. You also told me you understood that I had a lot on mind; I've been told before that I'm not very easy to read. Especially when I'm upset, you'd have to be very close to me to know that." Yamu stated still unsatisfied with Kougyoku's explanation.

Kougyoku blushed a little and shyly whispered "...I may have seen..."

"What did you say I couldn't hear you?" Yamu held her hand to ear to hear Kougyoku's voice better.

"The other day I may have seen you save a human from drowning," She replied louder only with a sly smirk on her face. "I may also know that you've developed a crush."

Yamu tensed; she didn't realize that someone saw her. Then again she was at the reef the whole day and didn't sense anyone. There was the question of why the other sea witch thought she had a crush on him. This meant one thing...

"You've been spying on me; that's how you know about that..." Yamu trailed off not knowing exactly what to call it.

"I will admit that I watch you from time to with my magic, only to make sure you're ok. Your teacher saw you as a daughter a- hey wait where are you going?" Kougyoku called out to Yamu as she headed out of the cove.

"Home, you answered all my questions I had." She shouted back to her over her shoulder. She was so done for the day; she had been through enough.

"Don't you at least want to know how he ended up?"

Yamu stopped; she felt the pang in heart from the day she saved him. It was something she never felt before, she had made up her mind it was just guilt. Nothing more nothing less that was the most logically thought after all. It couldn't be anything else, right?

"Your little human was a prince-"

"Was! Don't tell me he died!" Yamu turned and raced towards Kougyoku for more answers.

"No but it appears that my hunch about you having feelings for the human was right." She said triumphantly.

"I just would feel guilty that's all." Yamu snapped back.

The Little Sea Witch #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now