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IMANE MORRIS NEVER NEEDED A REASON to love her family. Technically, nobody does.

You shouldn't have to come up with a mental checklist about why you should love your mom, be grateful for your dad or your siblings. Your parents brought you into this world with the full intention of raising you, a roof over your head, food on the table and unconditional love is not a need– but an expectation. It is expected that when you bring another human being into this world, you have every intention to teach them how to be a good person, to feed them until they can feed themselves, to love them until they no longer can. And the hope that when you're gone, you will be remembered positively by your other half. But some people refuse.

They refuse to teach their children how to love someone properly, how to love themselves properly and then wonder why the world is such a shitty place. Children cannot raise themselves and to all those we know they cannot raise the next generations of human beings and do not have children, you're completely and utterly valid. Because not everyone is meant to be a parent.

A child is a human, not a gift.

In Imane's case, she'd stayed up for nights on end wondering whether or not her parents were meant for that title. Did they treat her with respect? Knock before entering? Praise her for accomplishments and encourage her dreams, no matter how far or ridiculous? Did they love her without expecting anything in return? The answer is obvious.

If they did all those things, she wouldn't be here, would she?

There was no need to question Max's love for her, Runako's, Yuriko, Mitzi–any of them. There wasn't a reason to question them because the answer is obvious. Their love is unconditional.

Imane Morris never needed a reason to love her family because she chose her family.

Did she want to un-choose them sometimes? Of course. And she wouldn't change it for the world.


"Leave me alone before I sell you, Runako." Imane threatened, the young boy cackled and hovered over her shoulder as she stirred the boiling pasta.

"Imane and Peter sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-ow!" He cried out, holding the spot in his stomach where his sister had just hit him with a kitchen rag. "Uncle Max, Imane hit me!"

"Tattletale!" Called out the oldest sibling as she went back into her room to grab a pair of sneakers to put on and walked back to the kitchen solely to smack Runako at the back of his head.

"Hit me all you want, this is your first date like...ever!" He exclaimed

"I already told you, it's not a date and I don't like him like that."

"You don't have to like someone to go on a date with them."

Imane scoffed and crossed her arms, looking at her brother with raised eyebrows, "Runako, what the fuck do you know about dates? You get no bitches."

THE RUINS OF HOPE, p.parkerWhere stories live. Discover now