Part seven

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It was Saturday, meaning the girls had no classes today, and Martin had a day off following the madness of ADE week. Sienna pottered around her apartment, the rain pattering on the glass window that was her outer wall.
"Oh shit," she whispered to herself, cupping her lower stomach as she felt a stabbing pain. She knew exactly what that meant, and immediately made her way to the bathroom to reach for her feminine products.
"Urgh!" She grunted, flicking through the cabinets without any avail. Quickly, she made her way to the front door, and headed over the corridor to Bella's front door, before knocking a couple of times.
"Let me in, Bell," she called, acknowledging the door was still locked, despite being 11am.
"What," the girl sleepily opened the door, her hair in a messy bun above her head, an oversized T-shirt on as she rubbed her tired eyes.
"Have you really just woken up?!" Sienna shook her head. "Anyway no time for that, I need some supplies."
"Cant help Im afraid, got none left myself," Bella yawned. The girl sighed, saying bye to her friend and letting her crawl back to her bed, as Sienna trudged down the stairs to Georgië's room. Her door was unlocked, so she took herself straight in.
"George, help," Ennie called, unable to see her anywhere in the apartment.
"What's happened?" Georgie emerged from the bedroom, also still in her night wear. However, unfortunately She was no help either, meaning Sienna had no choice but to walk to the shop in the pouring rain. She headed back to her room, throwing on an oversized sage Nike sweater, some black leggings and matching green, black and white trainers. She didn't bother with makeup, and simply tired her hair in a low pony tail, her brunette curtain bangs still styled from the night before. She grabbed her phone and noticed a notification from Martijn, but she had no time so ignored it and rushed to the elevator before stepping out of the building and into the sodden street.

"What you doing today, brother? I'm so bored," Martijn spoke in Dutch down the phone to his best friend, Louis as he paced aimlessly around his apartment. The boy wasn't very good at staying still, and having a day off from shows and already spent hours in the studio, he didn't know what to do with himself.
"Probably just sleeping, I went back to Georgië's again last night," the blonde boy spoke back down the line, and Martijn could tell he was smirking.
"What is actually going on between you two? Did you literally just see Georgie on my Snapchat when she was with Sienna and decide to message her?!" Martin laughed, shocked at the confidence of his best friend.
"I mean, yes, that is pretty much what happened. We're just talking though, nothing serious, but we've been having a lot of fun so who knows what might happen," Louis replied.
"Anyway, Im going back to bed. I don't know, go for a walk or something. Or go and see your...friend," He yawned down the phone to Martin. The brunette DJ was unsure why everyone had assumed there was something going on between himself and Sienna. They had only met once, under ver strange circumstances indeed, and whilst they spoke almost constantly, there was nothing to give the impression that Sienna liked him, nor that he liked her. Although maybe he did enjoy talking to her abit too much. Maybe he did replay that night in his head whenever his brain wasn't distracted by music. Maybe he did check his phone the second he woke up to see if she'd messaged, and feel a slight tickle on his chest if she had. But no, they were just friends.

"Is this all today, miss?" The polite shop keeper asked as he scanned Siennas shopping.
"Yes, thank you," she smiled in response, handing him the change.
"Have a great day," he smiled back to her, before she turned and headed for the supermarket door. The street was much clearer now, almost pleasant in the bitter winter air. She set off her fifteen minute walk back to her apartment block with a deep breath, the air cooling her. Her mind began to wander to various things, her classes, her friends, her family, the usual things that cross a girls mind on a lonely walk. Until her thoughts were disrupted as she felt herself bash slightly into a firm shoulder, her eyes moving from where they were fixated on the pavement to the figure she had rudely accidentally knocked into.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," she rushed her words, her eyes moving from the figure, who was wearing grey joggers, a black hoodie with the words ' stmpd rcrds ' written across the chest, to the persons face. His turquoise grey eyes sparkling against her brown ones, his hair covered by the hood, but a slight quiff of brunette on show over his forehead, a hint of stubble over his jawline and thin lips just showing a distinctive mole above his lip.
"Martijn?!" Sienna was shocked to see him, particularly as she didn't quite remember the first and only time meeting him. But it was a pleasant surprise.
"Hey, Sienna," he smirked slightly, his eyebrows raising as he was surprised yet happy to see the girl. They stood in a comfortable silence for moments, examining eachother. Martijn had remembered she was beautiful, but seeing her in natural light, without a spec of makeup and the now apparent sunlight reflecting in the pools of her caramel chocolate eyes. Sienna kept her eyes fixed on him, trying not to smile to apparently at her new friend who was way better looking in person that she had ever expected, adding charm to his wonderful personality that she had gone to know.
"What are You doing out in the cold?" He broke the silence, rubbing her arms with his hands to warm her up.
"Had to get to the shop! Nothing exciting, you?" She continued, her stomach twinging slightly at his touch.
"Just came for a walk. I'm so bored, Louis' too tired to come and see me," he shrugged with a giggle that was incredibly cute.
"Let me guess, he was at Georgië's?" Sienna laughed, the boy laughing and nodding in return.
"I wondered why she was being so secretive by her bedroom door this morning," Ennie laughed, causing the boy to chuckle too. They continued talking for a while, the conversation flowing just as well as it had online, until the street began to darken as the raindrops started falling again.
"I better get back before we get soaked," Sienna sighed, not wanting to leave, as she looked up at the sky.
"Why don't you come back to mine? I could use some company," he scratched the back of his neck, slightly anxious at the forwardness of his suggestion. Siennas eyes locked with his, a glimmer of hope in both.
"Sure, sounds great," she smiled, causing a grin on the boys face too.
"Let's go!" He wrapped his arm around her waist, directing hér in the direction of his apartment block.

Won't let you go ~ Martin Garrix Where stories live. Discover now