The Trek

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I squinted my eyes open and stifled a yawn. The early morning breeze fanned my cheeks. I turned towards my right and the arm on my waist held me tighter and pulled me closer. I inhaled his scent and looked up at him. He looked so beautiful when he slept! A smile was tinted on his lips that made me move towards him and gently kiss them. "Kelly? Morning!" He whispered while slowly getting up. I was so glad that he looked much, much better than how he seemed previously.

"Morning!" I chirped. He squinted his eyes at me and smiled goofily. "You look too cute early morning!" I knew what he was talking about and rolled my eyes. My hair was a nest and my face, droopy. He laughed at my reaction. His laughter was the best sound I had heard in years...

"I'm so sleepy!" I professed and tried lying down. He caught hold of my arm and pulled me up. "Happy Birthday, Kel! You can't waste this precious day sleeping! And yes, Merry Christmas!" He whispered, his breath fanning my ear and making me giggle. We looked at each other intensely and the door suddenly barged open. "Happy Birthday Kelly and Merry Christmas!" Grace chirped louder than required and hopped towards us. She was so excited! I couldn't hide my excitement either!

I chuckled and jumped towards her. We hugged tightly and hopped all around the place as though the floor was full of hot-burning coal! Skyler laughed at our reaction and sat at the edge of the bed. "What did you get me?" I asked her after we had calmed down and were sitting on the floor. "Check it out!" She chirped. Her gift looked enormous. I knew it was something big and I was damn anxious; my adrenaline rushing as hell! As I tore the final wrap, I screamed in joy and started jumping like a hooligan! "Oh my God! Oh my God! Grace! This is freaking amazing! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!"

She had gifted me an electronic Ibanez guitar which was red in colour with fiery yellow streaks. This one was damn expensive and let me tell you, this guitar was my dream guitar! I seriously had no effing idea on how she had got this for me! "Yeahhhh! I knew you'd love it! Justin and I rock, don't we???" She asked, looking as happy and victorious as I was, if that was even possible! I hugged her tight and squealed in delight. This was the best birthday ever, I could say! "Happy Birthday, Kelly!!" Dad, mom, uncle and auntie rushed into our room and placed the cake right in front of me on the floor. All of them kneeled down and clapped their hands in joy. My dad and mom had gifted me a set of emeralds as necklace and earrings and uncle and auntie had gifted me clothes from Chanel and Dolce and Gabbana, my favourite brands! I couldn't be happier! I just loved these people!

"C'mon! Make a wish!" Uncle cheered. I smiled and closed my eyes. My wish was a very simple and desperate one. I wished for the welfare of all my loved ones and for me to lead a long, caring and a loving life. Most importantly and necessarily, I wished for everybody's safety and for the change of mind and conscience in Daniel so that he wouldn't continue being the psychopath that he already was and ruin his and the other's lives. I most desperately wished for me to get the courage and blessings from God to endure what I had to and prevent all that I could from happening. Wasn't that really essential and apt?

I opened my eyes and blew the yellow flickering light. Claps arose immediately and I cut the cake. I offered the first piece to my parents, then uncle and auntie, then Grace and then finally, Skyler. Pictures were clicked of my every move and I was the centre of attraction. "Now..." Uncle called for attention. "I've an announcement to make. With respect to Kelly's birthday, we're going for a trek in New Jersey!" I squealed in delight. We were going to the same place where I practised my defence. I was so enthusiastic!

"Thank you so much!" I chirped and all of them squashed me for a group hug. Thankfully, I survived. We pulled away laughing. "Let's get going then. Change quickly, people!" Auntie stated and all of us quickly headed to change, parting ways. "Kelly..." Grace whispered while tugging on her jeans. "Yeah?" I asked while tying my hair in a ponytail. "You'll be coming with me. We won't be going to mom's house and getting down there and then walking all the way up to the place where we're going to start the trek. So we'll be driving all the way there. That's why you'll be with me." I looked at her, puzzled. "What about the others?"

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