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Eyes stained with me draped in black, I was slumped against the window; weary and expressionless. My face had gone pale. A plate of food was offered in front of me, but I just side glanced at it. ''s...death...' The thought sent chills down my spine. I began bawling out tears all over again and my eyes were as bloodshot as ever.

Why had this happened to me? To us? What the fuck was happening?! What did Daniel Adams desperately want that he would attack and harm any dear person of mine to achieve whatever he wanted? Till what extent would he go? It was wise enough to report this to the police as murder, but I had to deny it at all costs and Colin had my back. I didn't want my mom's body lying next to my sister's! I shuddered at his words, "If the police are notified about this, it's not like I'm worried or anything, but let me warn you, I'll murder your mother...I said I'll murder her. Believe me or not, but I'll. Maybe you'll believe me after you see her corpse on your floor. She's my best friend, just so you know." The conversation was still so clear in my head and I remember every detail of it like as though it just happened yesterday.

I heard my mother wail the loudest as dad was by her side, crying too, but was much braver at handling the situation. A head suddenly rested on my shoulder and I could hear constant wailing coming from the person. I tilted slowly to look at Linda and kissed her forehead. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. She hugged me tight and I was trembling terribly as I squeezed her back. She shushed me while I wept on her shoulders. Rubbing my back up and down, she whispered soothing words even though her voice was cracking every time she did so. My friends now knew what everything was all about and they couldn't help, but wail at my plight. I had explained to them about everything while we were in the hospital clinging to the at least 0.5% hope that our Gracy would live...

I wiped my eyes furiously as another spring of tears started welling up. "Why me, huh? What does he want? I even told him I would give whatever he wanted, but he said he wanted to have fun and it had been a while since he hadn't killed!" I froze at the word. "My Gracy is dead! DEAD! SHE'S GONE!" I yelled as I buried my face in my palms, screeching cum crying.

She cried in my hair and all of a sudden, I was lifted up by strong arms whose palms were drenched in water. I stifled and pushed myself closer to the person recognising who it was due to the strong smell of the familiar cologne. "Gracy..." I whispered into his chest as he hugged me tight and cradled me. I heard him whimpering and he often raised his hands to wipe away the constant tears. I knew how Sky was feeling. He was really close to Grace more than anybody else! It often seemed that the both of them were siblings instead of the other way round! "I don't know what hatred he has with me or the family...When will everything come to peace?" My voice sounded muffled, but he did not reply. I knew he had heard me loud and clear. The silence lingered the dreaded answer...Never.

Right at that moment, my mom fell off of the sofa which she was sitting on onto the floor. Auntie Stace, who looked as mortified as ever, rushed to her aid and carried my unconscious mother upstairs. My father rubbed his forehead in distress. Poor man! All that he had to go through because of me...

Uncle Georgie came to his side and the two of them walked out of the house, all eyes of the neighbourhood on the two of them. I really appreciated the society for their support and comfort. It was really thoughtful of them! My house was packed. Whimpering heard all over. Many were offering condolences as they placed the wreath in front of my sister's coffin. My sister's coffin...I couldn't help, but cry all over again. Thinking about her was so depressing...the lovely stylish girl who kept bossing me around, but who also cared for me. The girl I grew up with and who I used to seek advice from. The girl who would tie my hair during the most significant moments. The girl who would often drop me to school and take me out on treats. The girl whose room I used to rushed to during thunderstorms. The girl who would put me to sleep by reciting poems or sing me a lullaby...The list was endless...

She was an idol sister and I looked up to her! I adored her for her courage and bravery and I was proud to call her 'my' sister! My theory for what happened was...she was going to jump out of the car, but I guess, paranoia washed over her and since she was manoeuvring the car and was also worried about our safety, she might have lost control and then...I felt nauseous all over again. I pulled away from Skyler and staggered towards her coffin. There she lay, sleeping beautifully even though she was scarred and burnt and bruised all over, she was definitely my Gracy...I cried while resting my head on the upper cover of the coffin. Colin kneeled down beside me and brought my head closer to his lap. I rested on it and cried for what seemed like an hour. The entire world, except for my friends, thought that this was an 'accident'! It was the only way of getting out from further mess! It was indeed incredulous to be lying about my sister's painful death...but I promised myself that justice would soon be given unto her...

Just then, a bike rolled up near our house and a blonde guy banged open the gate and ran towards our main door. He pulled off his helmet, his face expressionless. He remained rooted to the ground at what he saw. He lost his balance while entering the hall where we all had assembled. He fell on his knees and his face reflected misery, anger, heart break, frustration and utter depression. His eyes were bloodshot and they looked tired. He froze when he saw the coffin. I carefully assessed him and my hand covered my mouth in shock and despair. Justin's charming features were now long-gone and he appeared to be torn and miserable! "J-Justin..." I whispered.

He cradled his face in his palms while he cried tremendously. Everybody knew how much he loved Grace! Back then, I used to always envy them until I got Skyler... Skyler and Colin rushed to his side and comforted him, but to no avail. I walked over to him and the two of us hugged each other as tightly as we could. He wept onto my shoulders and he tried soothing me as I couldn't control my tears when somebody as close to Grace like Justin was crying for her...

"S-she t-told me we would meet tomorrow...and look what has happened! I loved her with all my freaking life and I do not understand or believe how she could go away from me! She was the reason for my laughter and smile...she made feel so special! Look at her sleeping...she looks like an angel even though she's scarred...She hasn't left us-NO..." He stated stubbornly. I sighed and ruffled his hair comfortingly. Oh! How I wish she hadn't left us! "I loved being with her...we dated for 5 years! And...she's so easily gone? Flown away from me? I know it sounds childish...but I had always dreamt of marrying her and having our kids playing in the garden with us! I miss my Grace...I want her now...oh Gracy...what've you done? Why did this happen?" He wailed. Tears poured down my cheeks at his confession and I heard Colin stifle a cry. He limped over to her coffin and sobbed bitterly on the top just like how I had done before. His was more passionate...the love of his life was easily snatched away...

"Don't leave me, Gracy! GRACE!! DON'T GO!!" He yelled as he held onto her coffin tightly. The sound of car engines cutting off made me jump out of my reverie. Everybody looked at the door and the silence was deafening. Dad had just come from the back door and he halted to a stop. I gasped and stumbled, my words incoherent. Skyler grasped my shoulders tight and I peeked at him to see his expression. He looked mortified and uneasy. Colin was way beyond shocked and Linda was breathless.

The family stared at us and I blinked my eyes in shock at them. They entered the house, one step at a time. It felt like my body was giving away!

The Russos were in the house of the Andersons...

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