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How does 'Keller' sound as Kelly and Skyler's ship-name? You guys like it? How about Colin and Linda? What do we call them? 'Collin'? Comment below!! 


The chirping of the birds and the sun's rays flashing on my face made me stir. Gently rubbing my eyes, I squinted. The curtains fluttered in the cold breeze. Grinning from ear to ear, I slowly sat up and brought my knees closer to my chest, resting on them. I felt so great and too happy today! 'After all, something extraordinary took place yesterday!' My conscience informed me. I smiled like a huge idiot. While remembering the events, I even chuckled at how blessed and lucky I was to get a boyfriend like Skyler. Boyfriend? The usage of the word made me turn red as a tomato, if that could possibly happen.

The two of us spent the most affectionate time together last night watching the sparkling sky. We soon rejoined the party so as to not make our absence noticeable and the best part was, we were all hush-hush about our relationship thingy. Linda and Colin were way too into each other that they didn't even realize our absence. Skyler and I used the opportunity to sneak off and dance somewhere secluded and definitely had the time of our life! We clicked plenty of pictures and they were so damn cute! Let me tell you, we look effing adorable! Then we had this crazy dance of a mix of all dance styles. From waltz to salsa and jazz to hip hop, we were so into the groove! I've never enjoyed like this ever in my life before! Damn awesome! While everybody was leaving, I recollect him sweeping me off of the floor and carry me upstairs Prince Charming style! While my hands caught his neck tight as I kept chuckling at his antic, he kept looking at me with those charming eyes of his so intensely like I could be the only girl on the planet who he treated so specially! Lucky me!

And then, he tucked me to sleep and planted his good night kiss on my head! Oh, how I love that kiss of his! I didn't even realize I was dancing and swaying around on tippy-toes while recollecting our oh-so memorable moments! I never was so gleeful like this ever before! Nothing could ruin my day, I challenged. Right after getting fresh, I glanced at the mirror one last time making sure I looked presentable. My cheeks now had this tinge of blush even though I washed the makeup away. I knew why! It was because I was going to meet my boyfriend! He lived here and this marked our first day of 'us'! With my cheeks flaming and anxiousness rising, I walked out of my room. As I was making my way towards the kitchen, a steady hand grabbed me inside the guest room.

My breathing was erratic and my eyes looked up, getting ready to get lost in those pools of green. "Hey Kel!" Sky whispered and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "H-hi!" I whispered, my face in flames. He slowly leant forward and I closed my eyes anticipating for his kiss. My breathing came to a halt just when his lip gently brushed against mine while his hands wrapped around my neck. I felt him tying something. My hands instantly got entangled in his hair and just as I was about to kiss him, he pulled away. I gave him a puppy-like pout. He started chuckling and fell on the bed. My face had turned so freaking scarlet now! Jerk! "Y-you should have seen your expression!" He stated while wiping away tears. "What's so funny?" I questioned, trying to look irritated with my hands on my hips. "You're so effing cute, you know!" He added, looking earnestly at me while stepping forward.

"Mr. Jones, I'm your girlfriend. You stole my first kiss and I just wanted to kiss you a few moments ago! It's legal to kiss once you're together, okay!" I mentioned, exasperated while waving my hands in the air. "Yep babe! I'll be your last-first kiss!" He sang. He came closer and scooped me up all of a sudden. "Ha ha ha ha! Skyler!" I squealed like a 5 year old. The world spun around me as I kept on swirling. "Sky! I'm feeling dizzy!" I squealed. He put me down and got me on his lap. Placing his hand on mine, he said, "Didn't you notice that wherever you'll be, I'll be with you as well?" I stared at him puzzled. He giggled and traced our hands to my neck. I felt metal and rushed towards the mirror.

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