An Upturn Of Events

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"Hello dad, Grace!" I whispered nervously. I couldn't look eye to eye with my dad, so I thought it was best to look down while he did the talking. What talking? Well, it was going to be the shouting for my misbehaviour at the Jones. "Kelly, sit down." My father ordered. I looked up at them and took in everybody's expressions. Dad looked stern, Grace gave me the concerned look, Grandpa was licking his fingers and was totally unaware about what was happening and grandma was fidgeting with her fingers. All of a sudden, mom barged in through the door. "Hello everyone!" She chirped, trying to die down the tensed atmosphere.

"Hi Liz!" My grandma buzzed in. "Hi mom! Hi dad! It seems like dad's devouring on your delicacies, huh mum?" Mom said with a laugh. "You know what, Liz? I can't stop myself from hogging on the most special and amazing stuff that my super wife makes! It's so yummy! Yum Yum..." Grandad replied, completely engrossed in his eating. "Aww! Every single couple here is so cute! You guys will see that Justin and I will soon enter the league." Grace commented in the process swaying her hands and dancing on her toes. She was definitely lost in la la land! "Ehm...ehm! Have all of us gathered here for an interesting family chat or does someone amongst us needs to know her mistake?" Dad intervened. "Someone here needs to know her mistake or someone needs to pat her for her courage to stand against a boy?" Grandpa added.

"Cut it dad!" Dad replied. "I know what I've done and I'm sorry, okay? I was just being playful!" I confessed with a puppy-look face. "Don't look at me like that, Kelly. You were being playful? Is that what you're trying to tell me? And on top of it, you apologise? If you think that you enjoyed a lot after just being playful and a mere sorry will mend it all, then I'm sorry. That's not how this chapter will close!" Dad stated firmly.

"Kevin, you cannot close a chapter. You can finish reading a chapter and can close a book! God! What do they teach in schools these days?" Grandpa raised his hands in the glorifying manner, questioning God. Dad shook his head slowly and turned to look directly at me. "Kel, do you know the damage you caused at the Jones?"

"Yes, I'd dad." I replied.

" you feel that's the way you should behave just because one plays a prank on you?"

"No, I shouldn't. I exaggerated and lost control and I'm earnestly sorry." I replied.

Dad ruffled my hair. He smiled at me and said, "Don't apologise to me. Go and say this to Stacy and George, do you understand?" "Yes dad. Got it."

"Good." Dad added while rubbing his palms. "So, shall I go and sleep now and do the apologising part tomorrow over the phone?" I pleaded sounding totally unsure. "Over the phone? What? Is that how someone apologises? Are you so ashamed of meeting them?" Dad questioned, raising his eyebrows. If only he knew who I didn't want to come across! "It's not that. It's just that I need to go to school tomorrow and I'll be having a lot of work to do so..." I was interrupted by dad. "That's not going to be a problem. I don't care about the work load you'll receive. Come what may, you'll go and apologise and make things even with Skyler as well, got it?" I groaned. This was so not happening! Why couldn't things go my way? Grace looked at me with suspicion and I just ignored her. "Okay. Fine! I'll do it and I'm sorry again. Can I just go and sleep now?" I begged. "That's my girl! Go and sleep. Sweet dreams!" Dad chirped and hugged me. I wished everyone goodnight and bid a hearty farewell to mum. Crashing myself on the bed after getting fresh, I squeezed my very fluffy pillow on my face and decided to wipe off all the 'amazing' events of the day and just have a sound sleep.

"Tring..............................................................................." Yeah people, that's my stupid irritating alarm! I've to go to school and oh yeah, I'm so freaking waiting to go! Note the dripping sarcasm! Turning off the crazy device, I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom. This is nothing new actually; the laziness. Getting fresh takes only 15 minutes. The work that takes most of the time is dressing up! I don't like dressing up in that girly fashion just like I had mentioned before and a variety of clothes makes my mind go blank. So what I basically do is, open my wardrobe and stare at my collection for say 5 to 10 minutes.

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