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I was sitting on the counter of the Red Bull garage, watching the mechanics run around. They were trying to find out why the engine was having problems. I just chuckled, drinking from my juice box. "y/n. You know what's wrong with it, so please tell us." One of the engineers begged. I sighed setting my juice box down. "What have you got so far?" I questioned, swinging my legs back and forth. "We are losing way too much power. Max was doing good, then it just slows fast." He explained. I groaned, leaning back. "You made me put my juice box down for this?" I said, picking it back up. "It's your ICE. You probably wore it out. When was the last time it was replaced?" I asked, looking at the engineers, who were all staring at me. They shook their heads, making me scoff. "Well there's your problem." I said, closing my eyes.

I felt someone sit next to me, grabbing my empty juice box, and placing another in my hand. "Aah, if it isn't my favorite Max-Emilian." I grinned, already seeing the scowl on his face, despite my eyes closed. "You need to find another nickname." He whined, pushing me slightly. I chuckled, not saying anything. "How did you guess what the problem was with the car?" He asked. "It wasn't a guess. I didn't spend 4 years in college studying mechanical engineering for nothing." I said, waving my juice box around. "Hmm, okay." He said, leaning back with me. "Oh! I have someone for you to meet. He's the new driver for this season." Max said, getting up. I sat up, waiting for him to come back. He brought back a boy who looked around our age. I smiled politely, not wanting to scare another person away.

He smiled back, reaching his hand out. "y/n, this is Alex. Alex, this is y/n." Max introduced, as I took his hand and shook it. "Pleasure to meet you." He said politely. "The pleasure is all mine." I said, letting his hand go. We stood there talking, getting to know each other better. Max left, mumbling something about Christian, my father. "So, what do you do here?" He asked, sitting on the counter next to me. "I'm just here. Kind of like if you need something, you ask me and I'll do it. Also, an engineer." I said, drinking my juice box. "I don't think I've seen an engineer drinking a juice box before." He joked, making my laugh. "Well, I'm not an engineer engineer. I'm more of here, like I said earlier. If they need some advice or help, I'm here waiting. I don't have a job here." I explained, leaning back again. "That makes sense. If you don't mind me prying more, why are you in this particular garage?" He asked slowly. I chuckled, before turning to him. 

I stared at him with a smirk, making him confused. "You can't run away after I tell you." I said, leaning back, and closing my eyes. "No, of course not." He said, really interested in finding out the answer. "Your boss is my dad." I said carelessly. It was silent, making me open my eyes. He stood there, looking shocked and confused. "You...Boss...Your Christian's daughter?" He asked shocked. I nodded, sending a mini smile. "Cat got your tongue?" I teased, shaking my head. "Yes, it does. I would have never guessed your Christian's daughter." He mumbled. I looked over, seeing Christian walking over. "And why is that, pretty boy?" I said, looking at Alex. "Your so beautiful." He said, making me laugh. "Does that mean I'm not beautiful?" Christian said, resting his hand on Alex's shoulder. Alex turned around, shocked to see Christian. "No no. That's not what I meant. It's just like-" He rambled, only to be cut short by me.

I hit his chest lightly, laughing softly. "He's only messing around. Don't get a heart attack before the race." I joked, looking over at Christian. "You tell me not to scare them off, but here you are scaring the poor boy." I laughed, jumping off the counter. Christian watched as I walked away, shaking his head. I turned around, looking at Alex. "You coming?" I asked, and continued walking. I heard him say a quick goodbye to Christian before running over to me. "That was scary." He said, holding his arms. I laughed loudly, shaking my head. "There is way more than that, buddy." I said, drinking the remaining of my juice box. "How about I treat you to a new juice box? In thanks of you saving me." He offered. I looked up, smiling brightly. "That would be amazing." I said, throwing my empty one away. He chuckled, rushing to the café door. "After you, m' lady." He bowed, holding the door open for me. I shook my head, doing a little curtsy. "Why thank you, kind gentleman." I said, walking in. He laughed, following after me.

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