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Me and Alex were walking, me with crutches, down the pitlane hand in hand. Some camera-men followed us. I saw the Netflix crew, and smiled brightly. I waved at the camera, making the camera-man smile. We turned into the garage, and the cameras stopped outside. "Bye bye." I said, waving as we rounded the corner. "You really love the cameras." He laughed, holding my lower back. I shook my head, sending him a small smile. "No, I absolutely hate them. I'm just trying to look like a good girlfriend for you." I whispered the last part, walking into his room. He stood outside, probably processing what I said. He ran into the room, shutting the door softly. "Why did you say that?" He asked, taking my hands in his as he sat down next to me. 

I smiled softly, squeezing his hands. "I'm kidding." I laughed, pushing his shoulder softly. He looked at me skeptically before nodding. "Okay, well I got to get ready." He said, taking his clothes off. I got my cold water, and poured some on his back as he was right next to me. "y/n!" He yelled, jumping around. I died of laughter, holding my stomach. "That is cold!" He yelled, still jumping around. "That was too funny." I said through laughter. He scoffed and grabbed the bottle. "If I get so much as a drop on me, your sleeping outside tonight." I warned, glaring at him. He closed the bottle, putting it on the table. "That is what I thought. Now go get that win." I said, kissing him softly. He pulled me closer by my waist, making me giggle. "I love you." He whispered to me. "I love you too. Please come back to me safely." I said, kissing his forehead. We walked out, and he got in the car. "I'll be watching from the motorhome." I said, kissing his helmet and grabbing his hand as I made my way to the motorhome.

The trainer was in there, and he smiled at me. "Hey y/n. I heard the news. You want to start now?" He asked, laying a mat on the floor. "Yea, can I still watch the race though?" I asked, laying down. "Of course. You don't have to anything, but tell me when it hurts." He said, getting gloves on. "Can we keep this between us. I don't want everyone knowing as it would ruin the surprise." I said, feeling his hand on my knee. He nodded, and started the workout. I flinched as I felt it move slightly. "You okay?" He asked, stopping the movement. "Yea, it just feels weird." I giggled, looking at the tv. The race started and Alex was doing really good. The trainer kept doing the workout, and the more he moved and played with my leg, the more feeling it had. I winced as a sudden pain shot through my leg. "Ow." I mumbled, rubbing my thigh. "I think we should stop here." He said. "No! Please, I need this." I sat up, grabbing his hand. 

He sighed, sitting back down. "Your going to hurt yourself though." He said, grabbing my leg again. "I'm fine. It's fine." I pressed, laying down. The race finished, Alex placing 7th. I cheered silently, staring at the screen still. "Look at you all smiles." The trainer teased, making me scoff. I kicked him softly, turning back to the screen. After a second, I gasped looking back at him. "I just kicked." I said, seeing him smiling. "You did. Let's see if you can stand by yourself." He said, helping me up. I slowly stood up, holding his arms. "Okay, I'm going to let go in three. Ready?" He asked, to which I nodded furiously. "Okay. 1...2...3." He said, slowly pulling his arms away. Just as he let go, the door opened. Alex came in, looking shocked. He ran up, standing in front of me. "Your standing on your own!" He exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. He spun me around, kissing my cheeks.

I laughed with him. "I think my time here is done. I want you to try and stand by yourself every morning and night for at least 5 minutes. Keep your leg moving so the blood supply can get stronger. You did good today." He said, giving me a quick hug before leaving. I looked at Alex and squealed. "Actually, can you go find Mick? I can't keep this from him." I said. "Of course." He said, kissing my head. He ran out, squealing and smiling brightly. I giggled, sitting on the couch. Soon enough, Mick ran in, looking around worried. Alex didn't come in with him, sending me a smile before closing the door. "y/n, what happened?" He asked hastily, coming over. Before he reached me, I stood up, wobbling slightly before finding my balance. Mick gasped, covering his mouth with his hands, making me giggle. 

Light of My Life ~ Alex AlbonWhere stories live. Discover now