Too far

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So, here we are. Sitting in a hospital room. "Why in the hell did I get a call at midnight saying my daughter is in the hospital?" Christian asked, rubbing his temples. "We were all playing around, and we went a little too far." George tried to reason. "So, by going too far is dislocating her shoulder." My dad groaned, staring at me. "If I may, it wasn't our fault we were having too much fun." I said, earning a glare from Christian. "Sorry." I mumbled, looking down. "You guys have a race tomorrow. Someone take y/n back. And no more playing!" He said, walking out. The room was silent until I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, but your faces are so funny. You look so scared." I cried, holding my stomach. They all soon joined in. "I for sure thought I was going to lose my job." Max joked, making us laugh. "Oh, boy. That was fun while it lasted. Now, you boys need to sleep for tomorrow. Let's go." I said, holding the door for the boys.

After everyone walked out, they raced to their cars. Me and Alex stayed back, walking like normal people. "Sorry that we nearly broke your arm." He said, rubbing his neck. "It's my right shoulder, so I have no use for it. If anything, you saved me from having to work and write stuff." I joked, patting his back. "You always see the positives out of everything, huh?" He said, staring at me with a small smile. "I try to." I said, smiling up at him. He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the car. We reached the car and saw the others waiting for us. They smiled at us, calling us slowpokes. "Hurry up and get back to the hotel. Otherwise, you'll be training with me tomorrow morning." I glared, making them scramble. They all drove off, wanting to get to the hotel. Alex laughed, seeing the effect I had on the boys. "I'm sure your training isn't that bad." He teased, making me smirk. "Oh, Albon. Rookie mistake." I said, getting in the car.

Next Morning

I woke up bright and early, it being a force of habit. I did my business, and walked out. I went to Alex's room, knocking softly. Max answered the door, looking almost worried. "Am I in trouble?" He asked, fixing his hair. I chuckled, shaking my head. "Not you. Where's Alex?" I asked. "Asleep still. I'm about to head out, so do what you please." He said, grabbing his bag and giving me a quick hug before leaving. I entered the room, going over to the sleeping Alex. I smirked, but remembered how he was so kind enough to supply me with juice boxes for a week. My shoulder was still in a sling, so I couldn't jump on him. I went to the side of the bed, laying down next to him. "Wakey wakey." I cooed, tickling the tip of his nose. He opened his eyes slowly, before quickly sitting up. He looked around confused before getting up. "Why are you here?" He asked, staring at me in confusion. 

I grabbed my heart, pretending to be shot. "Ouch, Albon. That one hurt." I said, acting like I'm dying. "Oh, the poor princess. I'm sorry." He dramatically said, rushing over. "Don't die on me." He said, wiping his fake tears. "Before I die..." I said, ushering him closer. He came closer, holding my hand. "Put me with some juice boxes in my grave." I said, making him laugh loudly. I sat up, chuckling. "Your so dumb. Can't live without your juice boxes." He chuckled, getting up and going to the bathroom. I sat on his bed, looking on my phone. I grabbed his, unlocking it and going to his contacts. I typed in my number, and set my name to 'Juice Box Girl'. I chuckled, before setting it back down. He came out, combing his hair. "Wait, I wanna do your hair. Come here." I said, waving my hand. He chuckled before coming over.

I grabbed the brush, and started combing it with my one hand. "This must be hard since I am tall, and you only have one hand." He said, laughing softly. I shook my head, laughing along. "Thanks for calling me short. But it is, so lay down." I said. He laid his head in my lap, making it way easier. "I should make little pigtails." I teased, making him get up. I laughed as he was about to protest. "I'm kidding. Lay down. The quicker I get this done, the sooner we can leave." I said, doing his hair again. He rambled on about how he wants to do, and about things he needed to improve on in the car. I just nodded along, finishing his hair and giving him a little head massage. He sighed and closed his eyes, enjoying the nice little massage he got. 

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