Overdose - 1

143 5 1

Trigger warning - mentions of self harm and attempted suicide

Nat Pilk POV

I am sat in the living room and Vicki's phone is in here. It is around 10:30 am and I haven't seen her yet. Vicki phone starts vibrating loads. She is getting lots of messages. I'm guessing it is important by the amount of messages. I have a look and see it is Michael, Vicki's Forza flex buddy.
9:30 - morning Vicki do you want me to check your plans for your work out today
10:02 - hope your ok
10:03 - Vicks are you awake
10:30 - Vicki the workout is in 30 mins
10:30 - I've put an Instagram story out for you
10:31 - are you awake?
10:31 - vicki
10:33 - are you there
10:33 - come on
10:34 - Vicki answer me

It carries on going on. I pick up her phone and go to her room. I knock on the door and get no answer so let myself in. I see her lying in bed staring blankly at the wall. As I get closer I realise she is crying. I put her phone on the bedside table and crouch down so I am level with her face. I stroke her hair and wipe some tears from her face. "Hey Vicks. Are you ok? Michael's been messaging you." I say to her. She shakes her head. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask her. She shrugs and sits up slightly, grabbing her phone. She looks at the messages from Michael and quickly replys to him with her plan. She puts her phone back down and grabs her blanket and the hoody Frankie gave her before she left. Vicki curls herself into a ball holding the hoody and starts crying more. I grab my phone out of my pocket and message Frankie. 'hey are you free? Vicki's having a bad day. I think she is missing you' I message her. I get an instant reply 'yh ft me Xx' Frankie replys.

I click the face time button and set the camera on Vicki. Frankie immediately picks up."hey babes. What's up?" She asks Vicki. Vicki whispers "I miss you" and more tears roll down her face. "I've got a workout with Michael at 11. I don't want to do it." She says. Frankie talks to her for a bit and Vicki starts to smile slightly. When Frankie hangs up it is 10:50 and Vicki gets out of bed and gets ready. She is moving slowly but I'm glad she isn't as sad anymore.

Frankie POV

I'm sat in the pit during our break just going through my solo's. It's a message from Nat saying Vicki is having a down day. She was having a down day yesterday as well. I let her face time me. When they do I answer and Vicki looks really sad. She is lying in bed hugging my jumper and tears rolling down her face. I chat to her for a bit and by the time I have to go back to work she is looking a bit happier. She has to go and do a Forza flex workout now though and she still isn't her usual bubbly self. Because we are only doing tech I make up a lie and say I'm not feeling well. I head towards the greenroom and log into the Forza flex class under a fake name, keeping my camera off. Vicki isn't there yet. After five minutes she joins. She still looks sad and tired, like she hasn't slept in days.
They do the warm up and Vicki stops for a bit. She just sits and watches. I say she watches but she seems really out of it.
'is Vicki ok?' I see one of the comments ask. I see Michael read the comment and then Vicki's camera goes off.

Vicki POV

I do the warm up for the Forza flex class. I'm just really not feeling it today. I sit down. I zone out. I don't know how long I sit for but my phone starts ringing. It's frankie. I answer. It's a face time.
F-you ok Vicks? I was on the class
V-hm I don't know
F-whats going on? Talk to me
V-everythings just really overwhelming I can't cope with it
F-oh Vicks. Why didn't you talk to anyone.
V-i don't know. I thought I could handle it. But I can't.
F-do you think it's your anxiety playing up?
V-maybe I don't know.
F-Why don't you go have a shower or a bath and just relax? Take the day off, call your mum and maybe see if you can get seen by your psychiatrist
V-i will. I really miss you and I don't think that is helping.
F-i know you do baby I miss you so much as well. I've got to go now but talk to someone. It will help. I love you

Frankie POV

I hang up and take my hand through my hair. I drop Nat a quick message. 'keep an eye on Vicki I'm worried she's going to do something stupid.' I put. Nat replies saying 'i will she's just gone to the bathroom and I can hear her moving around. I'll try and get her to talk to me.' I send a thumbs up and head back to the pit, saying I feel better now.

Vicki POV

Frankie ends the call and I sit for a few minutes. I roll up my sleeves on my long sleeved top and stare at the cuts on my arms. I can't do this anymore. I haven't eaten in months. I can't keep on pretending I'm happy when I'm not. I can't live anymore. I head to the bathroom. I go into my wash bag and find the four boxes of paracetamol in there. I sit down on the floor with them all and the bottle of water I took with me. I start taking them out of the packets. After I have opened 2 of the packets I look at the tablets. There is a lot there. I chuck half of them into my mouth and swallow them before doing the other half. I then look at the other packets. I'm about to take the second half of the fourth when I hear a knock on the door. "Vicki are you ok?" I hear Nat ask. I sit for a moment and my eyes start to go blurry. I stand up and go to leave but I fall to the ground,unable to keep myself up.

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