In love with you

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Written by my wonderful girlfriend Jessica (Stan_The_Pigeon )

Jen's POV:
Vicki's phone buzzes and she picks it up. I notice how she immediately smiles when she sees the notification and her cheeks seem to go red. She bites her lip slightly and types something. A smile is still plastered on her face as she puts her phone down again and continues with her makeup.
"What's got you smiling like that? Or might I say, who?"
"Hm? What do you mean?"
"I mean, you got a text a minute ago and haven't stopped smiling since. You've not stopped blushing either." Vicki turns her head away so I can't see her face anymore.
"Don't know what you mean."
"Oh really? So you wouldn't care if I were to just...see who's text you were blushing and smiling at." I quickly grab her phone from her desk.
"Hey! No, give that back!" Vicki shouts, sounding a little distressed. I pass her phone back to her.
"I was only joking. Sorry."
"It's fine. I overreacted."

We both continue getting ready and while we do so, Vicki's phone buzzes a few more times. Each time it does, a smile spreads across her face and her cheeks go red.

~timeskip to after first show~

We've got some time before the next show, so the whole cast is hanging out in the green room. We're all just chatting and joking on. I glance at Vicki and see she's just scrolling through her phone. She's trying to hide a smile but she's clearly not doing that good of a job. I'd assume that, under her makeup, her cheeks are bright red again. She chewing on the inside of her lip. I gently nudge Lauren in the side and gesture towards Vicki. I can tell she understands me because a cunning smile spreads across her face.
"So, Vicki. I have a very important question to ask you."
"Yeah? What is it?"
"Who's the person making you smile and blush like an idiot?"
"I've got makeup on. You can't tell if I am blushing."
"But you're clearly grinning like an idiot. Come on, spill."

All eyes turn to Vicki as she slowly puts her phone down.
"It's just someone."
"A someone you have feelings for?"
"No. Not like that. Just...everytime they text me, I feel so happy and my stomach flips, in a good way. Whenever they use the pet names like baby or babes or anything like that, my heart feels really...weird. I don't know how to explain it. I've never felt like this with anyone before. They're just so perfect. They're beautiful, talented and so kind. They make me feel something...different. Something good. Amazing actually. They just... Fuck, I'm in love." She says the last part in disbelief.
"And you didn't realise that sooner?" Harriet asks.
"Apparently not." Vicki responds.
"Are you going to tell them how you feel?" I ask her.
"I don't know."
"I think you should." Frankie says. "If they make you so happy, go for it. If they don't feel the same way, they're missing out. You're incredible and anyone would be lucky to be with you."
"I know they don't feel the same way though."
"You don't. Go for it."
"Okay then." Vicki takes a deep breath. "How should I tell them though?"
"Just say what you said when you were telling us about them." I can't help but notice that Frankie looks a tiny bit upset. Her eyes seem to be wetter than normal and when she's giving Vicki a reassuring smile, it looks kind of sad.
"Okay then." Vicki says. What she says next makes Frankie's expression change. She looks shocked, but so happy at the same time.

"Frankie, you make me feel like no one has ever made me feel before. You're beautiful, talented and kind. I may have only just realised this, but I've never been more sure of anything else. I'm in love with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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