My Little Lion

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Again written by the absolutely fantastic Bryon (Stan_The_Pigeon ) aka Jess

Vicki's POV:
I'm flying to Germany to see Frankie today. We're constantly texting each other and she did only leave a little over a week ago, but I miss her so much. I cried so much when she left. We both did. I'm so excited to be going to see her again. A tiny issue with going to see her again is that I'm flying there, and I'm terrified of going on aeroplanes. I barely got through the last time I was on a plane without having a panic attack. I know it'll all be worth it in the end though, because I'll be with Frankie.

I'm sitting in the airport, waiting to board my flight. I'm pretty annoyed because my flight's been delayed by an hour and a half. My anxiety is really bad anyway, the delays just make it worse. I just want to be with Frankie. I try to keep myself distracted by posting on my Instagram story and texting Frankie. The time passes quite slowly, but eventually I'm on the plane and waiting for it to take off. My anxiety feels like it's getting a lot worse. I take some deep breaths and close my eyes to try and calm myself down. Eventually, I feel the plane start moving across the runway. I want to cry. My stomach feels like it's doing backflips as the plane lifts off of the tarmac.

Frankie's POV:
Vicki: I'm not feeling too great. I'm kinda scared xx
Me: You'll be alright. Take some deep breaths and try to distract yourself. I'll be with you before you know it xx
Vicki: I'll try. Love you xx
Me: Love you more xx
Vicki: I'm boarding the plane now, see you soon xx
Me: See you soon, I love you xx

I read through the last messages again, smiling sadly. I know how much Vicki hates flying. If I could, I would go to her so she didn't have to go through it, but I can't leave my job all the time to see her. After a few minutes of Vicki not responding, I assume she's on the plane preparing for take-off. Knowing that Vicki is anxious makes me really upset. The next two hours are going to be hard for both of us. Harder for Vicki, of course, but last time she flew on her own, I got really stressed about her.

I can't wait for when she does get here. We both miss each other so much. I just know that there's going to be a lot of tears when we see each other again. It may have only been just over a week since we last saw each other face to face, but every second without Vicki seems to last a lot longer.

I can't wait to see her again.

~timeskip two hours~

I'm at the airport waiting for Vicki. I've been waiting in arrivals for around half an hour now. I know there's no point getting here that early, but I was feeling too impatient. I wanted to see Vicki. Getting to the airport earlier isn't going to allow me to see her any earlier, but I still did it. I've bitten my nails down so far they're starting to hurt a bit. I'm checking my phone for the time and any updates from Vicki so much I've lost almost half of my battery.

~timeskip one hour~

I've been waiting a long time for Vicki now. She should be here already. There's a number of other people who seem to be waiting for other people from the same flight that Vicki was on waiting near me. This can't be right. Has something happened? My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest. Every minute that passes my heartbeat feels like it's getting louder and faster.

~timeskip two hours~

I'm almost crying at this point. Vicki's flight should have arrived hours ago. She should be here now. Something has to have happened. What if she's dead? What if she's stranded somewhere, alone? I feel a tear start rolling down my cheek. I move over to the corner and stand facing the wall. A few more tears start falling. I stop trying to hold them back, and floods of them start rolling down my cheeks. After a moment, I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I slowly turn around, not knowing who to expect.

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