Chapter Eight

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Gracee's POV

There is an exited buzz around Venice, and I can't help but feel giddy. It's a sunny day, and the light reflects off of the water, making it extra bright. A light salty smell comes from the canal, and sunscreen drifts through the air.

Students of Midtown are running everywhere, while other tourists and locals are looking at us like we are crazy. Peter, MJ and I are walking by the water.

"It feels like forever since I've traveled." I close my eyes and turn my face upward toward the sunshine.

"You're rich." MJ coughs.

"Well, I just mean that I use to travel all of the time with my dad. But, after I got my powers, we just... stopped."

"Well, actually, we traveled last year." Peter says.

"Yeah, if you count space as traveling." I scoff.

"Technically, that was five years ago, not last year." MJ corrects.

"Guys, look!" I point to a group of pigeons on the ground excitedly.

"We live in New York, and you're excited about pigeons?" MJ says.

"Are you surprised?" Peter asks.

"Nope." MJ smiles.

I grab both of their hands and pull them towards the birds. I lean down and let one crawl onto my hand. It walks up my arm as a different pigeon flies onto my shoulder, and another one flies into my other arm. Peter gets out his phone so I smile brightly as he takes a picture. He looks at the picture on his phone and smiles fondly, before Brad walks up.

"Hey Gracee." He flashes a smile.

"Hey Brad." I say causally.

"Do you mind?" He signals to the camera he is holding.

"No, not at all." I give MJ and Peter a helpless look and then smile for the picture Brad is taking.

"You look great." He looks at the picture and smiles.

"Thanks." I catch a glimpse of Peter's face and instantly feel scared for Brad. "Well, we better get going."

"Okay, see you later."


I grab Peter's hand and squeeze it reassuringly as we walk away.

"Did he not see me standing right there?" Peter asks.

"The only person he was looking at was Gracee." MJ says. "Didn't you hear? Gracee looks great."

"If looks could kill, Brad would be dead." I say.

"Yeah, Peter, you looked like you wanted to murder him." MJ says.

"Maybe I did." Peter shrugs.

"We should go over there." I point to a cool looking historic building.

"You all can go ahead and go, I'm going to... go find Ned." Peter says.

"I last saw him and Betty getting their portraits painted that way." I point to the direction we just came from.

"Okay, I'll be right back. I love you."

"I love you."

I kiss Peter and he smiles and then turns to walk away. I extend my arm as far as it will go until he is to far away and I am forced to let go of his hand. I look back at MJ and we share a smile before walking towards a group of our friends.

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