Chapter 21

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Suddenly the door opens revealing four familiar faces.

Bani eyes goes wide.

Bani's pov.

How can they do this? I can understand about her, but why him? What I had done to them?
It was none other than Mayuri, Jay, Chandini and Akesh. Why Akesh? Isn't I was a good friend of him?

"Bani maharani uth hih gayi," Mayuri says in a mocking tone.
I was not able to form a word. I just ask "Why?"

"Why? You don't know? Because of you and Veer, We had to go to jail, because of you, my Veer left me. If veer will be not mine, also he will not yours." Mayuri yells. By hearing these Tears were immediately falling from my eyes.

"Bani, Don't cry, If you had chosen me instead of Veer nothing will happen as it was happening." Jay mocks.

"Oh besari Bani, mene kaha tha na Last meh Veer mera hih hoga. Toh dekho mera hoh gya Veer."My eyes goes wide by seeing those pictures. She saws me some pictures of Veer and herself, where Veer hugs her as his life depends on it.

I felt betrayed, Why Veer? Why? I know he was happy that I am not in his way. I cried more and more. Everyone left the room except Akesh.

" Why are you here? Oh, you forget to mock." I said while crying.

He comes forward and tries to Hug me but I push him.

"Bani, I am always with you. Don't cry. I know what Veer had done to you but I am always here for you." He said.

"If you are always with me, help me to escape." I cried more.

"I can't"


"Because I love you! I can't see you with that Veer. I just can't, so I help them to kidnap you. Now you will be mine." He stated. I laugh like a mad person.

"Oh please, Love is not the word for a person like you," I said with venom.

"Think what you want to think but you will be mine Bani!" He shouted leaving me alone in this dark room.

Once he left the room. I cried, Why Veer? I loved you so much. Why do you act like loving me why? I cried more until sleep overcome me.

Veer's pov.

I don't know if dad can find Mayuri and Jays location. My now only hope was Dad.

I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and saw Chandini. What she was doing here?

"Dekho, chandini mujhe abhi kisi se bhi baat nehi karni," I told her.

"Mujhe pata heh veer tum pe kya bit rahi heh, tum sinta mat Karo Bani mil jayegi," she said and by hearing her name. I can not control my tears more, It falls from my eyes.

Chandini takes a few steps closer to me but I take a few steps back. She tries to hug me but I push her. Again she came closer and forcefully hugs me. I try to push her but give up at the last. I just want someone to support me and console me. No one was here except Chandini.
I cried in her arms until I came to my sense and pushed her.

"Thank you for coming here. Now you should go" I shut the door in her face.

After a few hours Dad calls me, I hope that he found something about Jay and Mayuri.

I am now standing in Dad's Room. Without wasting any time I asked him " Dad, kuch pata sala?

"Ha, mujhe un dono ka location mil gaya" I smirk by hearing him.

Be ready Mayuri and Veer, I am coming.



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