Day One •Truth or Dare•

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Kiyoomi Pov (warning very vulgar cuz I feel he has no curse filter)

After everyone finishes it's around 1:30 and we are released to do what we want some of the "fun" captains (meaning the idiodic captains) asked us all to play a "fun game" with them I have a feeling it's going to be either truth or dare or fucking spin the bottle or some dumb shit like that. We are currently sitting in the sejoh cabin in a circle with most of the people that came to the camp. This is gonna be "so fun" ugh.

"Okay I'll start! Kuroo truth or dare?" Bokuto asks the human version of a hyena (a hot hyena but hyena none-the-less)

"Dare, duh" like it was the most obvious thing ever. Bokuto comes up with the most revulting dare ever.

"Like your toe" he does as requested and I have to stop myself from vomiting.

"Okay....uh..Daichi truth or dare" he asks the other captain earning a sigh from him.

"oh god- truth" and a "pussy" sounds from Tsukishima getting a glare in return.

"Uhm....what is the gayest thing you've done?" Oh boy.

"Hmm...I mean I've kissed a guy...that's pretty gay." Sugawara glares at no one in particular clearly jelous of some random guy he kissed.

"Who?" Suga asks tilting his head to the side and Daichi says:

"You know my friend from middle school?." He looks back around the circle of highschoolers to pick the next person. I let my eyes drift over to Atsumu, and NO I do not have a stupid crush on him....he's just annoyingly cute, and he has an amazing personality...and okay maybe I sometimes imagine kissing him.......okay yeah I am in love with him.

"-KIYOOMI!" I snap out of the trance I had been in staring at the beautiful fake blonde. I look over to who said my name. Ugh my annoying cousin Motoya.
"What?" I glare at him.

"Truth or dare? I've been asking for the past three minutes, but obviously you were too busy staring at Atsumu!" I feel my face heat up.

"No I wasn't!....Truth.." He smirks, this fucking bitch.

"Fuck, marry, kill.....Atsumu, Iwaizumi, and......Kageyama" I glare daggers at Motoya. I don't know weather to choose fuck or marry Atsumu...I mean I may want to do both but I can't just say that!

"Kill Kageyama..sorry...uhm...fuck Iwaizumi and uh.......marry..Atsumu" I blush and look down at my hands.

"Iwa-chan?!" I look up at Oikawa already annoyed at his whining.

"He's hot....doesn't everyone else in this room agree?" I look around and almoast everyone nodds their head."Eeeexactly" oh boy now I need to pick someone...

"Atsu..truth or dare?" He looks up and I swear I see a red tint on his face

"Er, dare" hopefully this will work...

3rd person

"I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in the room..." Atsumu stands up while Sakusa looks down, he felt a light pressure on his cheek. Now blushing, he looks up at the faux blonde "M-me?"

"Yer the only one I'd be comfortable kissin...and yer pretty too" Sakusa blushes and scoffs slightly smirking. "Uh, Hinata truth or dare" The red head looks up and smiles.

"Dare!" Atsumu thinks for a second and then speaks again.
"For fuck's sake CONFESS TO HIM!" Hinata blushes and turns to the tall setter next to him and grabs both of his shoulders. He closes his eyes and says:

"Kageyama I like you! I have since middle school, you've always intrueged me and I only pick on you because I like the banter, I like....talking to you. I know you probably don't like me back, but please....can we at least stay friends?" He opens his eyes not even realizing the tears falling down his cheeks. Kageyama caresses the short boy's cheek wiping away his tears. He smiles before whispering.

"Boke...I like you too" he kisses Hinata on the forehead ruffling his hair. "It's your turn, Sho" Hinata looks around and picks the next person. After a while, it goes back to Atsumu.

"Tsumu! Truth or dare?" Bokuto asks with excitement in his eyes.

"Truth," he responds with

"Uhm.....oh how come so many people say you sleep with a bunch of people??" Atsumu suddenly got all twitchy and fidgety. He got out his phone and tried to discreatly text the only person he could for this.


💕Omi-omi💕 and blonde germ 💛
Omi-kun could you do something about this
I really dpn't wanna talj abt iy
Please Omi
read at 3:06 PM

Sakusa read the message and cleared his throat "I'm gonna leave, Atsumu is coming with me" the room is filled with "aw" and disapointment. When they are just about to leave the room Sakusa looks back and says "He obviously didn't wanna talk about it, Assholes" and leaves.

When they get back to their room they sit on the king bed. "I'm sorry about them......but, if your comfortable telling me...why do people say that?" Atsumu looks up at him and nods.

"Uhm well a while ago there was a manager from one of the teams, I can't remember who, but uh she was trying to hit on me and I told her, "no, I'm gay" and then she called me the....f slur...and said she'd get back at me........she told everyone that I slept with everyone on the girls volleyball team and that I'd....sleep with anyone in sight.....i-it was a while ago so it doesn't really affect me anymore so-" Sakusa cuts him off.

"What the fuck?! Why would someone do that? Just because you're gay and wouldn't go out with her?!" He uses his arms to emphasize his point. "I'm so sorry about that Tsumu" he hugged him and Atsumu hugged back.

"So uhm, what do ya wanna do now? Watch a movie?"

The two boys compromised on watching a movie and Atsumu fell asleep cuddling up to Sakusa.

Sorry its so short but I wanna write some yakulev content in the next chapter 😭

Love ya
Bai bai

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