Day one •The Arrival•

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(^What the cabins look like on the outside)
Third person

It was almost 11:30 in the morning so everyone would be arriving soon. The three adults were practically bouncing with excitement waiting for their brothers and their friends. Little did anyone know this was partially a plan to get their OTPs together (Yakulev, Ennotana, etc).

Suddenly all of the buses from the different schools arrived and got out of the bus with their luggage. After all the captains took rolecall the coaches of the other teams left on the busses leaving the one bus of Karasuno. Everyone was catching up with their friends from the other schools.

"Attention! Attention everyone!" Alisa tried to get everyones attention but failed. She frowned, as Saeko spoke up.

"OI! Pay attention to Alisa! She's important!" Everyone shut up once they herd the chaotic blonde yelling. "Thank you..."

Atsumu Pov

I quieted down paying attention the the girl that looked like the one giant from Nekoma. She must be that kid's sister. She was actually quite pretty, not my type though. Even if she were a guy she still wouldn't be my type. I listen to what the girl has to say. "Everyone will be d-divided into different groups, these groups will be your room mates." Aw she must be nervous, I mean I would be too if I was talking to a bunch of judgemental teenagers.

The five adults started to hand out cards with a shape on it. I got a black heart and turned to my brother and Suna, they both had black hearts "Oh yeah this is gonna be lit!" Samu high fives me and Suna

"Hey Atsu, what do you have" I heard the deep but quietvoice of my crush I whip around and grin.

"Hey Omi-kun! Black heart, what do ya have?" He smiles slightly and says

"Black heart" I clap my hands and smile back

I open the door to the fancy cabin "you'll have to pair up for the rooms" Alisa tells us "and Kita, your in charge" he nods and everyone pairs up. I get to room with Omi-omi! Omi and I head to our room and everything in red, it's beautiful.

"Woah......ah fuck" I look at the one bed, sort of glad that we'd have to sleep in one bed...together.

"Eh, i-it's not that bad, it could be a twin bed" he shrugs, weird usually he'd be furious.

"Everyone gather in the mess hall for lunch" says a voice through a loud speaker. Mmmm food. We leave our luggage at opposite sides of the room and leave the cabin to the mess hall.


"Oi! Tsumu! Sakusa! Come sit with us!" I hear Oikawa as he waves us over to his group of friends. We sit down and I smile at all of them.

"How are you Tsumu?" I give him a thumbs up and begin eating my lunch.

"Hey, kawa you need to eat" I glare at him as he looks away. I push my lunch foward to him. "Have it, I'm full anyway." He takes it and begins eating slowly.

"Thanks Atsumu" Iwaizumi says as I nod.

Once we are all finished eating Matsukawa says "I heard we're doing karaoke in like...five minutes" I widen my eyes and clap excitedly.

And what do you know Karasuno's coach is starting to set it up. "Oh what song, what song....Ah! I know" Omi looks towards me "I wrote a song that I wanna sing!" (Not actually it's by mxmtoon just for some angst 😩👌) He tilts his head to the side.

"I didn't know you wrote I guess" the last part was said quieter but I still herd him.

"Okay, who wants to sing first?" a few peoples hands shot up "uh...Oikawa" Oh boy...this is gonna be a train wreak. I bet you he's gonna do a song from a musical knowing his gay ass. He got up on stage and the music started to play. Ah of course. I was right. It was Michael in the bathroom from be more chill. You can tell he's getting into character as he was looking "sad" or "sulky" and he began to sing

When it got to his (a/n and my) favorite part he got VERY dramatic
"Is there a sadder sight than
Michael in the bathroom at a party
This is a heinous night
I wish I stayed at home in bed watching cable porn
Or wish I offed myself instead
Wish I was never born
I'm just Michael who's a loner
So he must be a stoner
Rides a PT Cruiser
God he's such a loser
Michael flyin' solo
Who you think that you know
Michael in the bathroom by himself"

Once he finishes everyone claps while our table goes wild including whistles, hollars, etc.

"Uh Atsumu, your next." I stand up and see Omi give me a thumbs up. I look over to Osamu and he smiles at me, I smile back.

"Uhm so, I-I actually wrote a song I want to perform if that's okay with you?" Ukai nods. I grab a guitar that was at the side of the mini stage and I start to play

I take a deep breath start to sing
"I'm happy for you, I'm smiling for you, I'd do anything for you
For you it's always for you and never for me
And I need it to stop, so let me tell you, please
I'm always sad and I'm always lonely
But I can't tell you that I'm breaking slowly" I look up at Osamu and Omi, shit. They both have a look of worry i didn't want to make them worry about me.
I continue on with the song.
"Closed doors, locked in, no keys
Keeping my feelings hidden, there is no ease
I need it to stop
And I want to be able to open up, but
My feelings are fatal
My feelings are fatal"
I can feal Everyones eyes on me and it's a horrible but amazing feeling all the attention on you, but if you mess up everyone will know.

"How many times must I keep it inside?
I need to let go and I swear that I've tried
But opening up means trusting others
And that's just too much, I don't want to bother
So I'll keep it inside and I'll bury it deep
I know it's not healthy, but you won't hear a peep
Though I'm always sad and I'm always lonely
I could never tell you that I'm breaking slowly"
At this point I could feel tears running down my face but I couldn't stop, not now

"Closed doors, locked in, no keys
Keeping my feelings hidden, there is no ease
I need it to stop
And I want to be able to open up, but
My feelings are fatal,
My feelings are fatal,
My feelings are fatal"
I finished the song and went off of the stage. Osamu ran up to me and hugged me. "I-I'm sorry I wasn't there for you" I hugged back tightly and silently cried into him.
We let go of each other and part saying bye.

I sit next to omi and he says to me without facing me "I apreciate you...a lot....just so you know." I blush at the suddeness of his statement. I have to bit my lip to stop myself from squealing.

There will be a second part of this which will be truth or dare

I hope you enjoyed this

Love ya
Bai bai 💋

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