𝙄𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚《𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙅𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙧》

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Tw: mentions of drugs

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Tw: mentions of drugs


At the time, you were sure many girls were jealous of you for being so close to The Stones, you were sure many girls loathed the fact that you were their favourite groupie among the other ones that threw themselves at the rockstars. You didn't care though, and rather took advantage of the privileges you had, but most of all you took advantage of Mick the most every night after a show, and let him do the same with you.

There was a lot of things about Mick that you couldn't resist, like how he kissed you so passionately with a hint of lust that drove you mad, or how he always looked at you with complete adoration, but most of all the way he made you feel really kept you coming back for more.

Whether it was in his dressing room, during a sightseeing escapade in whatever city the band was playing in, or in his hotel room he always made you feel like you were the only girl that mattered. The only girl he loved. And as you began to fall more and more in love with the singer, you had to constantly remind yourself that he was a rockstar, and you were just a groupie that made his days and nights more enjoyable and a little less lonely while he was away from home.

Now as you layed on the bed in your hotel room, awaiting Mick's arrival, you thought about confessing your true feelings for Mick that night, even though you knew he wouldn't feel the same. But ontop of your confession, you were also thinking about your recent discovery, which was the fact that you were now carrying his baby. You just knew you'd be left on your own to take care of the kid while Mick continued on with tours, and other women.

Suddenly, knocking on the unlocked door brought you out of your thoughts, and glance in the direction of the door

"It's open" You called out, and watched the door knob turn and the colourful frontman step into the room.

He had a small plastic bag of the infamous cocaine in his one hand, and a bottle of Jack tucked under his arm. A grin formed on his lips when his eyes fell on your frame laying on the bed, dressed in only a flimsy, baby blue nightgown, dangerously short.

"Hi, love, I missed you" Mick came over to the bed, placing the drugs and bottle of alcohol on the bedside table and laying next to you.

"I missed you too" You smiled, even though you saw him that morning, but you could never get enough of seeing his beautiful self. Mick returned the smile, and started kissing all of your face, making you laugh at his sweet gesture. Even Mick could say he enjoyed the time he shared with you more than the time he spent with any other woman in the world, and it had nothing to do with the sexual things you'd do together, but rather the more loving things that you indulged in.

Like when Mick and you would just cuddle, dance with eachother to the songs on the radio, visit the different cities when you had the chance, or just being alone together. He knew it was wrong to be falling for a groupie, but he didn't regret it. Not one bit.

"I brought us a few little treats" Mick gestured at the whiskey and coke, and as much as you'd do a few lines with him, or share an entire bottle of booze, you simply couldn't now because you were pregnant.

"I can't have those kinds of treats anymore, Mick" You said politely, watching Mick furrow his eyebrows a bit at you turning down drugs and alcohol.

"Why? What's wrong?" Mick asked concerned, before repositioning himself on top of you in between your legs, placing sweet kisses on your neck and collarbone. You felt goosebumps cover your skin, and tears start to prick your eyes as you contemplated telling Mick everything; you just weren't ready to hear his rejection.

"I'm in love with you, and I'm..I'm pregnant with your baby" You finally confessed, feeling the salty tears begin to slip down your cheeks, watching Mick look at you in shock. He wasn't upset about it because he was also in love with you, and knew that he wanted to be with you.

"I understand that you're this big travelling rockstar, and you're in a band, a very popular band at that, but I just couldn't keep it away from you" You cried, soon feeling Mick wipe your tears away with the pads of his thumbs, before placing his lips on yours. He kissed you softly and slowly, a bit different than his usual kisses, but nevertheless you enjoyed it.

Mick pulled away after a few seconds to give you a response that you weren't expecting in a million years "I'm in love with you too, and I want a family with you,"

"But you can't give up this rock 'n roll lifestyle just because some groupie confesses her love for you and just happens to be pregnant with your kid" You retorted, knowing that it would be hard for Mick to put other women to the side, and to slow down on his intake of different substances, which would eventually leave you heartbroken.

"You're not some groupie, Y/n, you're the love of my life" Mick's words made your heart skip a beat, and the sincerity of his tone helped you believe that he was being honest about it all.

"Listen, don't worry about anything right now, we'll figure things out after this tour okay?" Mick added, not wanting you to feel pressured or worried by anything, especially considering that you were pregnant now. You nodded in response, gazing into his pretty eyes, and running a hand through his brown locks, earning a smile from him.

"I'm so in love with you, Y/n" Mick spoke lovingly, making those familar butterflies float around in your stomach, and your very own smile creep across your lips.

"I'm so in love with you too, now please just kiss me again" Your words made Mick chuckle, before he placed his perfect lips back on yours, a passionate kiss with a hint of lust starting to blossom.

~Not Edited

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