𝘼𝙙𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙚《𝘽𝙤𝙗 𝘿𝙮𝙡𝙖𝙣》

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You sat next to your boyfriend, Bob, your head resting on his shoulder, as you watched him scribbled down some poetry in a worn out notebook. It was a notebook that you had gotten him a few years prior, and due to his constant use of it, it was now considered worn to the max.

His poetry and song writing always amazed you, he was such a beautiful and intelligent soul, and no matter what happend, you couldn't let him go in a million years; you just loved him so much.

You started to place soft pecks on his cheek, until you got his attention onto you, causing him to shift a bit to face you instead. Bob didn't normally like it when people broke him from his concentrated writing, but you were a fine exception.

"What are you doing, love?" Bob asked a smile tugging on his perfect lips, as he noticed the one on yours, you're smile always making him return it.

"Admiring your beauty" you said in a dramatic voice, making him laugh, and finally toss his note book on the coffee table in front of you both, now wanting to give some more of his attention.

"Well, do you mind if I admire yours?" Bob wondered, sounding serious. You tried ignoring his question, by stretching yourself out on the comfy couch, and pretending you were asleep. The real reason you were trying to ignore his question, was because of your low self esteem issues, which was something that had been bothering you since you were a teenager.

"You don't think your beautiful, is that right?" Bob climbed on top of you, laying between your legs making you stop pretending to be asleep.

"Well I'm no Marylin Monroe or Aretha Franklin" you laughed to try and cover up the insecurities about yourself. Insecurites that you could never fathom someone like Bob finding attractive.

"You're better than them love. Those women don't even come close to the beauty you hold internally and externally"

Trying to cover the pink blush that was covering your face, Bob softly pinned your wrists down on the couch before kissing you passionately. His soft hands stopped pinning yours, and began roaming your body that was only covered by a flimsy, baby blue nightgown. His lips were distracting you from the fact, that he secretly wanted to make love to you first.

Bob tugged on the hem of the nightgown "Please let me admire your beauty" Bob begged, after he pulled away from the kiss.

You were hesitant at first, but deep down you knew Bob would never shame you. With that thought in mind, you quickly pulled the nightgown over your head, revealing your nude body.
Bob bit his bottom lip, as he looked down at the rest of your nude body, before averting his gaze back to your face.

Every curve, every mark, was beautiful to Bob, who was now starting to get in the mood to make pure love to you right then and there; the pure beauty of you being the reason for his sudden sexual need.

"Maybe we can skip the admiration and focus on the fact that I wanna make pure love to you now" Bob smirked, making you laugh, which he cut off with another kiss ther lead to something a bit more than you bargained for

~Not Edited

《𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂》𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝑹𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now