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"wait y/n" woods says catching up with me "yes woodland" I smile. as we are walking back to blue base to matts car "I forgot" he says "did you" I give him a funny look

he gave me a quick kiss and then walked away "is that what you need to tell me?" I smile feeling my face heat up.

he nods "be safe" he says and walks into blue base as I got in the car and headed to the post office.


I open the trunk and load all the packages inside

I hop back in the driver seat and head back to the office


I park the car and walk to blue base I scan my key and walk in. "can someone come help me?" I yell.

out of the office that is supposed to be mega desk

Quinn walks out "Quinn!!" I yell "y/n!!" he yells and hugs me so tight "ive missed you how's college" I ask as we walk out to the car to get the packages "ive missed you too, and its good" he laughs

we walked back to the door and woods opened it for us because I couldn't reach my key. we take all the packages to the dope or nope set

woods walks up with a box opener and a open ag of chips eating them he hands the box cutter to me. "thank you" I say sitting on the floor.

tanner and matt walk out of mega desk "come on" I say putting the headphones on.

they sit down and put mics on "can you hear me" woods says. "I can" I laugh "I want some candy" tanner says "lets start" matt says

I press record

"welcome to the part where we review the products"

I cut open the box and throw the light saber on the table.

they review it as im opening the next light Saber but I leave it in the box

I give it to them and they put it together and review it

tanner and Mathias fight with the dark sabers while woods eats a snack

I gave them what was supposed to be beskar or Beths car as they joked

I give them the tiny beskar next

"I wanna put it on my bag" matt says "put it on your bag make it happen" tanner says

matt gets up and so does woods

"hey guys welcome to alone time with tanner"

"tanner sucks" matt kept repeating into his mic and I could hear it and tried not to laugh

I hand them the lighter next

"woods is no longer with us the dark saber defeated him" matt says. as woods steps into camera and sits down on the couch

"oh" Matt laughs

they then get woods to show them some lighter tricks

"ow" woods says "yo what happen to your hands" tanner ask "just ya know time and work" "time" "ya know hanging out with your mom" woods laughs.

they rate the lighter dope

I handed what was just a button as woods said last time

they lost me at all there Star Wars talk

I handed them a tiny outfit and tanner put his butt in the screen again

next is a box of cereal

"im excited" matt says

"we have milk and bowls maybe" woods says and walks away

he comes back "we dont have any" he laughs

they try it

I reach for it and woods hands me the box because I wanna try

they were pretty good

next tanner put on some shoes and ended up kicking the table and we all laughed

last is a backpack I threw on the table

"guys thank you very much for watching. if you enjoyed this video check out these videos here"

I stop recording

"its gonna be awful editing that" I laugh they stand up tanner walks over and helps me off the floor I stand up "im hungry" I laugh I walk into the kitchen and find sam I grabbed a bag of chips

"meeting in the conference room" matt says.

sam and I look at each other confused

I grab a drink out the fridge and we walk up the stairs to the conference room.

I sat down beside sam and we waited.

woods comes in, tanner, Hannah, Quinn, Patrick.

once everyone that needed to be there was there.

"alright guys lets talk about project 863" matt begins to talk and explain whats gonna happen with our new project.

afterc the meeting I walked out and to my office I grabbed my stuff and locked my office. I waited for woods to go and then we headed to my house.

we pulled into my apartment complex and a bunch of fans were standing outside "woods" I look at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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