Chapter 2

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"Mr. Chopra, can you please help me in distributing examination paper to the class," Ms. Clara called her favorite student and I held back the urge to roll my eyes.

I used to think people hate me cuz they are racist as I was the only brown girl here but hell, Ivan was the crush of half of the school and he was all teachers' favorite.

Yeah...he was the popular nerd!
Nerd...? He was one of the most popular guys in the school.

Lol, why the hell I'm thinking about that jerk??? Ew...

I shrugged my head from that unwanted thoughts and peeked at the hottest guy of the school.

Ivan is nothing in front of him...
Tf... I'm thinking about that jerk again...

"Good luck, potato for getting another zero in the test..." I snapped back to reality as that amused voice rang in my ears.
I tilted my head and found him smirking at me. He handed me the sheet and I shot a glare at him but he remained unaffected.

Test...?? Bruh I totally forgot about the test. I was getting F continuously and Ms Clara warned me to pass all the tests of this month or else she will expel me from her class. Like, I'm dying to take her classes...
I chose maths cuz of Aaron but I guess I took a horrible decision. God, maths is so boring...and can anyone like maths? Algebra? And geometry??? Man, why do I need to prove that this figure is a triangle? Can't you just see and accept it???

Why the hell did Aaron decide to choose maths??
Here, I was ruining my life for that jer-- sorry for that cutie... And he wasn't even aware of my existence.

I spared a glance at the paper and the letters and numbers started dancing in front of my eyes. That kid, Ishan...from "Taare Zameen Par" movie... I feel you, bro!

I looked around to find everyone was tense as it was a surprise test. I don't get why teachers take surprise tests. Like, I understand that they might be having bad days but it is really mean to ruin our days too.

Everyone was frowning at the question paper but Ivan. His hand was non-stop running on the blank sheets.

A pang of jealousy grew in my heart. I wish I had a brain like Ivan...okay only 1/10th part of his brain.

Whining, I looked at the paper again but I didn't understand a single question.

I was going to fail again...

"Kiara..."  I was engrossed in cursing teachers and my stupid brain when a beautiful voice touched my ears.
Say...this is a dream...

As soon as I cocked my head, my heart leaped out from my chest and I got weird creatures in my stomach.

Aaron Smith was looking at meee...
I'm sure I'm dreaming...
Wait... He knows my name...
He knows my fuckin name...
Perhaps, I'm his secret crush...
Am I reading a novel???

"Kiara..." He coughed awkwardly to get my attention.
Speak something dumbass... Stop acting like some weirdo...

I hate when I lost my voice in serious situations. Like why???

"I saw you're not writing anything, maybe it can help you..." He handed me a piece of paper.

Damn...he was noticing mee...
He is helping me in cheating.
Now, this is a dream for sure...
Or I might be his secret crush.

My heart was exploding from weird and strange feelings, I took the paper from him and my body became numb, so was my voice.

I didn't even say a " thanks" to him...
He must be thinking I'm some weirdo.

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