Chapter 4

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"I can't believe you actually did this... After all those warnings..." Mr. Robin's voice came out like a sigh. My eyes were glued on the floor and for the first time in my life, I actually felt guilty for what I did.

"I can't help, Miss. Joseph, no matter how much I owe your father, I still have to suspend you from the school..." My jaws dropped. I thought he would give me another detention or might call my parents but suspend????

"Mr. Robin, I'm sorry for what I did, but please, Don't suspend me, I promise, it won't happen again..." I gulped the saliva formed in my throat and spoke in a shaky tone.

Anything but suspension.

The first person who came into my mind, I won't be able to see him.

"Miss. Joseph," he flashed a sarcastic smile at me and cleared his throat, " you've said this same sentence about 100 times, now I'm so much done with you... You're suspended for one month... And that's final,"

"One month...? How will I manage my studies?? It's my last year of high school and I'm failing in all classes... You can't do this to me... You can rethink your decision," I left no stone unturned to convince that sixty-year-old bald man.

"Now, you can go, Miss. Joseph," he clearly asked me to get out with a smug face

"It's not I killed her or something... It was just a small punch... And she deserves that punch.. actually more than that... That bitch was talking shit about my..." All the guilt vanished from my heart and once again I was back in my old form. I was suspended just now and I'm still, saying all these things in the Principal's Office.

"Out, Miss. Joseph... Just get out or I'll have to expel you from the school," he growled and  I shot a glare at him. Cussing under my breath... I walked away from the Principal's Office.

"Congratulations potato," I turned my head at the most annoying voice to find the most annoying person smirking at me. I held back the urge to slap his pretty face and ignored him completely.

"Finally, you did something big... Kids get detention but legends get suspended... You're a legend my potato, " his gaze scrutinized my face and his voice was filled with sarcasm. Doesn't he know I'm not in my best mood and won't listen to any kind of shit??

I did my best to ignore him again and started taking out my stuff from my locker.

" Umm... What happened to that hothead potato?? Ohh sorry, legend potato..." He added one more sentence just to piss him off. And this time... He succeeded...

"And what about ultra legends?? They get others suspended after they are expelled if you know, you know... Ivan Chopra... " I looked directly into his dark brown eyes which darkened a little. I watched his whole body get stiffened and his jaws clenched.

He moved a step towards me and put his hands on my shoulders. My throat became dry as my body came into contact with his cold hands. His gaze was piercing my heart and causing holes in my skin.

"Ivan,..." I tried to push him away but his hands dangerously trailed down my back making me freeze at my place. His fingers were gently stroking my bone sending shivers down my spine.

I was never intimated like this to anyone before and I guess that's why I was feeling the heat rising in my heart and chest.

"I hate you so much, Kiara Joseph," he whispered and looked into my eyes, "more than anything in the world" his words came out like venom and I could see clear hatred in his eyes for me.

My heart skipped a beat and something stung my chest but the next moment I pushed back all the emotions which were hovering over me and flashed my best fake smile at that jerk.

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