Chapter 3

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I slipped under the covers and closed my eyes which was getting heavy for using the laptop for hours.
I cursed under my breath as the stupid ringtone of my phone pricked my ears.

"Kiaaraaaa... Baby, I need a small favor..." Oh, it was Zoe...Why does she always need me at the wrong time??

"Yeah, what happened?" I yawned and straightened my back with the help of pillows. I glanced at the wall clock which was showing 11 pm, what does she want this time?

"There's a party at Ben's home...and I want your black dress that your mom bought from Paris," her voice brought a slight frown to my face

" Oh, okay... But how are you gonna get them? " I asked in a tired tone.

" I'm coming in 10 minutes, just be ready with your dress and matching accessories, I love you, baby, " she hung up the call and I let out a breath.

No matter how much I was tired, I can't refuse her... I walked to my closet and selected that beautiful black dress with matching stilettoes.

"Kiaaraaaa..." She made a wild entry into my room and hopped on my bed.
I flashed a weak smile at her and handed her the dress.

"Aw, I love you so much, baby... Now please help me in getting ready..." She hugged the dress and stood in front of the mirror with different poses.

"Who's coming to the party?" I asked in a low tone hiding my curiosity. I low-key wanted to go to those high schools parties but no one has ever invited me, lol! Not even my best friend...

"Your Aaron is also coming...ugh I hate him," she rolled her eyes putting an extra highlighter on her cheekbones.

"My Aaron...? Lmao," I faked a laugh...I never told her about my crush on Aaron but it was so obvious that many people know about it. The girl who's a bitch and savage for everyone but always acts nervous and flustered around that one guy... And how could I not expect people to notice this?

"Like, I don't know... you're that average nerd who has a crush on that jerk," she smirked at me and to be honest it pinched me a little. I rolled my eyes in exasperation and composed myself to not reply to her.

And I don't get why she hates Aaron for no reason. She started hating her at the beginning of our sophomore year. And I had no clue about that.

"These high school parties are dope... I'm gonna get drunk today..." She winked at me applying the last coat of lipstick on her pouty lips.

"But I always miss you there..." She gave me a side hug and squeezed my cheeks.

You could have asked me to come with you, bitch

"I can accompany you if you want..." I said nonchalantly cleaning all the mess she has just created.

"Aw, I love you but I know how much you hate these parties...and I can't let you bear those things for me... I'll be okay...sleep tight honey..." She tossed me a flying kiss and glanced at her reflection in the mirror for the last time.

Bitch, I'm dying to come with you...
Okay, I kinda hate parties and loud music.
But What if I get a chance to talk to Aaron...
Maybe we can have drinks together...
And we can kiss...

Eww, Kiara... Stop fantasizing, please...

I waved back and closed the door behind her. She's my best friend but she knows nothing about me, I can't even share my stuff without her. She's my only friend and I'm just her one of the friends.

I suppressed the sadness which was rising in my heart and climbed to the bed.


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