Chapter 6

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I leaned forward in sudden consternation to pick up my phone and stared at my phone like an idiot. A mixture of shock, excitement, happiness and fear filled my heart.  I let out a breathless laugh at my situation and started typing with my shaky fingers.

Me: "Lmao"
Me: "And why should I believe you?"

Unknown: "Wow, you unblocked me," 
I got his reply in less than a second. I grinned softly as my heart was experiencing a new and weird feeling.

Me: "To teach you a lesson!"

Unknown: "Bro, you blocked was enough...also, I'm sorry for everything,"

Me: "Yeah, I've already changed my mind,"

Unknown: "Ohh, when you found out that I'm Aaron... Your crush ;) "

My heart fluttered and I beamed, twirling my comforter between my fingers.

Me: "I don't have a crush on anyone, pl-uhhh---sseee," I typed in anticipation and threw my head on the pillow.

Unknown: " Okay, sorry"

Sorry?? Seriously?? I didn't expect this reply from him.
Babe, now he's Aaron Smith... He's gonna talk to you in his usual way.

Wait... I'm still not sure if he's Aaron Smith or someone pranking on me.

Me: "But why should I believe you, that you're Aaron??"

Unknown: "Here, you go again... Well, because I am,"

Me: "Lmao, send me your pictures,"

Unknown: "Aaron is all over on social media, anyone can take his picture from his social handles and send you, Why don't you come up with a better idea?? What about facetime????"

Me: "Huh?"

Unknown: " Youu want facetime??"

I jumped off my bed and let out a deep breath. He wants to do facetime..... I ran towards the wall mirror and looked at my horrible reflection. I was looking homeless with my hair scattered all over my face.

No way on the earth I can FaceTime him...

I suspired and climbed onto my bed again. Why the hell did I become so nervous??

Unknown: "C'mon, stop being nervous...I wasn't  gonna do it anyway,"
My gaze traveled to his message and I smiled momentarily.

How tf he knows what I'm thinking??
Does he has some superpower??

Me: "Umm yeahh..."
Me: "But yeah...why should I believe you?"

My feet were impatiently tapping the floor  I was cringing over the fact that some anonymous person was having such an effect on me.

Unknown: "What If I send you a voice note?"

Damn! Why didn't I think about this...??
Also, I can recognize his voice in the crowds of millions.

Me: "Okay, but send it fast, I gotta catch some sleep,"

I clicked the send icon and my heart missed a beat. I had no idea that this type of normal conversation can affect me in that way.

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