Chapter 7

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I was stupored and my mouth dries out, all I want to be anywhere but here. My brain started storming from unusual thoughts and it felt like it stopped working. I didn't know what had gotten into me that I didn't think of anything else before kicking off the music player with full force. The music player stopped playing the music which drew everyone's attention to me. I picked up the beer bottles and started throwing whose pieces were scattered all over the floor.

"Ohh, that maniac is here,"

"She loves ruining things, she should be expelled from the school,"

"She should be in a mental asylum,"

"Poor Zoe,"

All the voices were ringing in my ears but I didn't pay attention to them. My eyes were focused on Zoe who was looking at me with so much hate and pained looks.

She jumped off the table and walked toward me with her bloodshot eyes.

"Thank you so much bestie, for making my high school birthday the most memorable birthday of my life," she seethed at me. Wow, instead of apologizing to me she's mad at me? Does this even make sense??

"You left me for these hoes? You lied to me that you were celebrating your birthday with your family and I was the stupid one who risked my life and traveled all way long just to give you a surprise, to see the smile on your face and all you did this to me?" I simmered in anger and threw the last bottle on the floor which I was gripping for so long.

" You crazy piece of shit, stop your fucking drama..." She pushed me away and her eyes filled with tears. " Miss Kiara Joseph, I'm done with you... I'm done with your shit... I don't need any favor from you, I didn't ask you to risk your life for me, I didn't ask you to do anything for me, didn't ask you to give me a surprise and you know what, why I didn't invite you but everyone... For this..." She pointed at all the mess I had just created.

" I wanted a normal birthday like a normal high school kid with sane people around me, I knew your jealous ass won't let me do this... I'm not your fucking property, I can live my life the way I want, I didn't want this drama and all but guess what, you ruined my day and made me a clown in front of the whole school... I'll never forgive you, Kiara... Befriending you was the biggest mistake of my life, just get lost from here right now because I don't owe you any fucking explanation," her voice was echoing in the room as everyone was focused on our drama, they were enjoying, recording videos and what not.

"People were right, you ain't normal, you should seek some medical treatment ASAP," her voice came out like venom. I was standing there numb, I told my lungs to breathe, told my brain to not pass out. I lifted my head to see the amusement in everyone's eyes and then my eyes met those pair of blue eyes. There was something in his eyes that wanted me to get disappeared from this place.

I turned my heels and ran outside, ignoring people's stares and comments at me. I just wanted to go into my room, but I guess luck wasn't with me as I bumped into someone.

" Hey potato, more power to you," I looked into eyes that were shining from mischief. It's your day, Ivan!

I ignored that scoundrel completely and got into my car.


I didn't know how the hell I reached home alive, I just want my room!
I entered the hallway and I was about to climb the stairs, a voice growled in my ears. Mom...Ohh she's back!

"Where the hell were you at this time when I grounded you?" She shot me a murderous glare and asked me, blocking my way. I glanced at the wall clock and sighed.

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