chapter thirteen

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It was now dark and the town was quiet. Everyone expected to be sleep but you stood near the river throwing pebbles into the cold water.

You were thankful for the madrigals, but sometimes you wanted to be alone for a bit. It was funny when you remember being all excited coming over but things changed.

You havent really controlled your gift since there wasnt a good timing.

And you still wanted a little cash once in a while so you volunteered to help around the fabric shop, since you like sewing and designing things like mirabel. You were bore in your thoughts when you saw a big white butterfly flying around close to your face before landing directly on your nose.

You let out a short chuckle before it flew around you again, and started flying ahead of you-

You knew mirabel followed a yellow butterfly in the same place and saved the miracle, and you werent close saving anything.

You felt useless, and dumb. You didn't want to be the failure maria tells you about but sometimes its like its true- You were having a full on debate in your head.

"Arrgh!" You annoyingly sat on your bum and groan out in frustration. Before noticing someone infront of you.

You looked up as a man, that looks like the same age as you looks at you with a amused smile. You felt embrassed but also weirded out as he was watching you but you knew that guy somewhere.

"Oh..." You say suddenly, embrassased. You thought for a second. It was M something! Milo? Miguel or mickelle?

"Marco." He let out a short laugh before looking at the dark sky. "Um y/n" you introduced.

"Are you lost or..." He trailed off, finding no other explanation as he looks unpuzzled.

"Im just wondering around" he smiled  as you mirrored. You now regconize him as the son of the candlemaker, his father was very creative at his candles, both unique and colorful.

"Eh what are you doing here?" You asked titling your head to the side, getting a better view of him, not in a weird way-

"Same as you,  I happen to go to places like this sometimes, when not busy" he says in a charming way before looking back at the full moon. "You shouldnt be in places like this mostly at night." He says still busy looking at the moon- before looking back at you with a warm smile.

"So lets get you home" he insist and you nodded "i heard your close with the madrigals" he asked and your lips twisted downwards "Yeah, you could say that." You eyes suddenly widen remembering dolores words.

"You uh, close with someone?" You asked nudging your shoulder to his earning him to chuckle, he seems nice and funny, reminds you of camilo but how he stands and walks with his hands behind his back reminds you of carlos.

"Some." He smiles before you stopped infront of you house as he did too. "hmm" You mirrored the same genuie smile. "Well i better be heading off, thank you by the way." You say and he nodded pushing his hair back. "No problem señorita." He replied as you two went your seperate ways.

Carlos pov.

I sigh in relief as i entered the dreaded area, my relief quickly switching into a stressed, sullen feeling as i saw the manneaquins, each manneaquins were wearing a madrigals outfit, they stood in a tight circle facing each other.

Atleast i didnt have to walk in a room full of plastic bodies facing me.

I faced one of my mirrors and shifting back to my original form. "Thanks for letting me borrow your face." I spat rudely even i didnt intend to do so.

I let out a groan in annoyance, whats happening to me?

Carlos what have you done?

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