The dark secret

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You and sujin walked upto your classes as usual , today you had maths class test.

Sujin was nervous,  but you helped her with the maths problem.

Soon the teacher arrived "you all are prepared right"

Mr Choi your maths teacher , said looking at the his students everyone mouthed a yes in return.

Jungkook who was settled beside you
Tapped you while teacher was giving the question paper

"Y/ are prepared right...please do help me with questions"

Jungkook whispered making you chuckle at his helpless state.

You nodded earning a bunny smile from him.

The paper was of 30 minutes you almost completed it in 20 minutes , and unfortunately jungkook was placed to a different seat because of too much cheating.

Now you couldn't help him , so you left after giving your paper.

You walked towards some direction,  not knowing what's the place , but soon you felt two figures standing in store room.

You closely examined and one was professor kim seokjin you realised and the second one wasn't visible.

But soon the guy turned and it was namjoon the dimple guy , you know.

"What are they doing in store room"

You mumbled before keeping your ear on the door to listen.

"It's been so long that I hugged you..."

Namjoon said before crashing himself in seokjin's arms.

You gasped as they hugged each other , that was obviously not a brotherly hug.

Anyone can understand that.

"Just because of the place...I can't even look at you" prof seokjin said before patting namjoon's cheek.

You gasped at the another secret revealed , but how sad that because of the surrounding,  they can't be together.

That they have to meet like this.

You were about to leave when your feet got hit by the box near making you gasp a little loud "aaah".

You instantly covered your mouth with your hand.

But they already heard it.

You ran away , you didn't wanted them to feel uncomfortable,  if they knew you already know about them.

You ran as fast as you can .

Finally standing right in front of the music room. which was totally empty.

You huffed out before entering there , admiring the music room..

As you are not a music student,  just because you can't afford the music fees too. You first time saw the music instrument so close to you.

You touched the piano fondly , the love for playing piano you always had will never fade.

Meanwhile namjoon and seokjin already saw you running away.

"No way...y/n saw us...what are we going to do now" namjoon panicked and prof kim tried to calm him down.

"Don't worry.. may be she didn't heard anythingseokjin said being unsure of what you heard or saw about them.

Namjoom didn't listen , and ran to some place even seokjin was confused where he went.

He straight went to the playground where taehyung was playing football.

"Taehyung...ahhh  taehyung...aah"

He shouted loudly making taehyung Listen him instantly.

Taehyung also felt something was wrong with namjoon so , he came towards running him.

"What happened...hyung"

Taehyung asked wiping his sweat with  towel.

"Y/n...saw me and jin in the store room..may be she knows about us"

Namjoon said breathing heavily,  and taehyung tried to calm him down.

So the only person , who knows about namjoon and seokjin was taehyung.

"Okay..I'll talk to her...she won't tell anyone" taehyung said before rushing inside the school.

Taehyung searched for you and asked almost everyone whether they saw you or not.

Meanwhile you heard a manly voice
Saying "what are you doing here kiddo" .

You were startled at first and saw the music teacher standing at the door.

Who now walked in.

"Actually sir...I am not a music student"

You said nervously scratching your back of the head.

He smiled giving a gummy smile all of a sudden.

"So you like...the piano"

He asked crossing his arms.

"Ahh...yes..actually I wanted to learn..piano...but never had enough money for that"

You said a bit of sadness in your voice.

He hummed before speaking

"So what you can learn it here"

"How" you asked being excited.

"You can come here...and play it when you have a free class.. "

He said fixing his glasses.

"Will you teach me?

You asked being curious.

"No..i can't I have many classes...
But I have someone who can teach you" he paused before telling.

"Taehyung...he's my best piano student"

He said passing a smile.

You widened your eyes at the name kim taehyung.

"But I am not sure...will he agree to teach you or not" Mr min said and looked a disappointed.

Cuz obviously everyone knows how he hates girls.

"I'll teach her "

A voice said making you both turn around.


Sorry for making it so enjoy this part also many more secrets on its way...😉💞

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