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Tissue box ..check

Shampoo bottles checks...


Your words disappeared as a figure hugged you from behind , you gasped firstly but then soon realized the known touch.

It was taehyung  !

What are you doing  here ?

You asked closing the folder.

I was missing you....why?
Am I not allowed to come here  !

Taehyung pouted while you turned to him , who giggled once you shook your head as a no.

But I am working !

You replied shortly walking towards the other side.


He whined  making you look back at him.

What's this behavior with your boyfriend  ?

He complained,  and walked towards you.

If you can't help me...then sit there quietly!

I have to check all the things to give the final reports to the manager !

You added after a while , and taehyung snatched the folder from your hand.

OK.. then let me check...all of them..

He offered,  and you could only nod at his stubborn behavior,  you stood there while he checked all the items that were suppose to come today.

After a while , you were sitting at your table,  when he appeared  out of the blue and handed you the folder back.

Everything is done mam !

You chuckled and finally kept , the folder aside.

Just a smile ?

You creased your brows in unison not getting what he meant .

Atleast I deserve a kiss..for doing all this !

He let out in one breath making you smile again.
He extended his neck , pointing at his cheek making you more giggle.

You leaned and pecked on his lips instead making him break into a smile.


You asked wrapping your arms around him. He nodded Vigorously, 

Y/N !

You heard a familiar voice , which made you both flinch.

Looking at the direction of the voice you found your father standing.

You were surprised to see him there ,  you detached yourself from taehyung so did he.

Appa  !

You let out making Taehyung more conscious of your father's presence.

You both came out of the counter , and he  bowed  at your father. did you came...

You mumbled and you father walked further towards you.

How have you been y/naah..

Your father muttered and you hugged him in response.

Later on your father prompted towards taehyung making you nervous.

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