Fresh start

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Sujin sniffed lighly while,  bryant tried his best to cheer her up. But there was no chance she would stop crying.

Sujin..I know you are hurt..but atleast think about you health  !

Bryant said and handed her a glass of water. She gulped that down , In one go breathing heavily.

Sujin and bryant went to meet sujin's family  , and her family  was really angry and disappointed,  but no one expected that , they would disown !
Sujin from the family.

Her family disowned her , and kicked her out.

Bryant tried his best to make her feel better. But it somewhere did hurt her.

M-mom  didn't even gave me..a c-chance to explain...

Sujin sobbed and bryant looked at her worried.

What if your family disowned have my family  !

Not to forget Bryant's family,  approved for them,  even though they were upset at first to know , about this.

But bryant is a grown up man , his family believes,  he can take care of sujin like a perfect partner.

Let's start fresh  !

Bryant announced and held her hands making her look at him.

Are you sure ?

Sujin asked innocently,  somewhere she is still not that mature and sure for the outcomes. But bryant is a person who's sensible and can handle everything on his own.


You looked at taehyung coming towards  , you and you could feel his lost self.

What were you talking to appa ?

You asked not wasting any second.

Nothing..much !

Taehyung awkwardly said and avoided your eyes.

You felt somewhere he was hiding something,  but you trusted your guts , and didn't asked him further.

I trust !

You mumbled and looked at him for a assurance.

The whole day you both spent together,  even if for sometime, taehyung acted wierd but later on acted normal.
Which made you forget everything.

Btw..I never really asked you this ?

You spoke while having a strawberry ice ream, you saw him nodding to go ahead.

Why did you left your,  idol training and gave up on singing?

This question was always occupying your head , but you resisted yourself to ask. May be that can hurt his sentiments.

You saw his smile disappearing little by little. While making him go deep in the thoughts.

It's fine..if-

You were cut off when he spoke.

I was a trainee at big hit , when I was in my first year of high school..

He halted and started walking and you followed his pace.

It was the final , selection day , everybody was sure that I would be the biggest idol..if I debut...

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