1993- The Hogwarts Express

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"Yeah coming Dad, I know."
I aggressively fiddle on my bedside table for my glasses and check the clock.
"Dad, what time does the train leave?"
"11. Get packed."
I slowly pull myself out of bed and manage to throw on my robes and wack in my contacts.
You'd think after two years i'd be used to these robes.
You'd be wrong!
"Dad, can you do my tie?"
A tuft of light brown hair pokes round my door as he stands and tuts at me.
"3 years and you still can't tie a tie!"
"Right, there we go." The red and gold tie lay adorn my pressed white shirt.
"Dumbledores already taking a risk employing me, I don't want to be sacked for being late!"
"Ok Moony."
"You don't get to call me that."
"Ok Remus."
"Ok Dad."

On the Hogwarts express.

"Let me get this straight.
Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban..to come after you?"


"But they'll catch Black, won't they?
I mean, everyone's looking for him."

"Sure.Except no one's ever broken out
of Azkaban before...and he's a murderous, raving lunatic."

"Thanks, Ron."
I slide the door open and awkwardly stand in the doorway.

"Hey you lot."

"Hope!" Hermione ran at me and pulled me into a hug, Ron and Harry went with the usual smile and nod combo.
Clearly neither of them had matured enough to develop emotion yet.
"What are we talking about then?"
Harry exchanges a look with Hermione and Ron.
"Sirius Black. Apparently he's after me."
A wave of anxiety takes me over.
"Oh. Well that's... Bad."
"Thanks Hope hadn't noticed!" Harry murmured.
Hermione looks up at a suitcase and back at me.
"Hang on. R.J Lupin. Hope. Is he?"
"My Dad, yeah."
Suddenly, the carriage shook.
An air of cold grasped the carriage, crookshanks hissed.
"We cant be at Hogwarts yet can we?" Hermione queried.
The door began to slowly slide open and a skeletal cloaked figure came into my eyeline.
Dad had told me about these creatures.
A flash of white light erupted from the corner of the carriage as Harry fell to the floor.

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