1993- Neville

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"Eat you'll feel better." Dad handed Harry a singular square of chocolate.
Bit stingy if you ask me, I know for a fact he has multiple bars in his suitcase.
"Dad. Is Harry going to be okay?"
"He'll be fine. I take it you were able to work out what that was?"
"What from your excellent teaching? Oh yes. That was a dementor. Oh wise one!"
"Less of the attitude Lupin."
"Okay Lupin."
I pull Dad into a hug.
"See you inside. It will be okay, I promise."
"I know sweetie."
"Have you seen Neville?"
Dad pauses and chuckles.
"No, stop being lazy and find him yourself."
"Bye then."
I make my way slowly down the carriages until i find Neville in a carriage with Ginny, Dean and Seamus.
Neville practically sprints at me and takes me into a hug.
"I've missed you."
"Yeah, you too !"
Ginny is next to follow, pulling me into a tight hug.
Dean and Seamus don't return the favour, clearly they're on the same emotional wavelength as Harry and Ron.
The train begins to pull into the station.
"3rd year then, you lot ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be anyway." Neville smiles at me and tightly grabs my hand.
A small flutter appears in my heart.

writers note- hi guys :) this is a shorter chapter! i'm recovering from covid so haven't been up to writing but i'll be back soon! let me know if u have any wholesome moments u want included !!

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