1993-We'll meet again.

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Light shone from under the door as faint music played, the whole room smelling of cinnamon.
Dad's signature scent, I suppose.
I slowly push open the oak door, to Dad crying in a chair.
He's in a leather jacket, way too big for him and flipping through some sort of book.
He starts to sing along quietly.

"We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day"

He snuggles into the jacket and sobs.

"Hey pumpkin." A tear drips down onto the book.
"What's this?"
He gestures to the photo album, that looks to be quite old now.
"The marauders. It has all of our adventures. Every stupid prank Prongs and Padfoot came up with. Every Birthday. Every Christmas."

A page catches my eye.

Christmas day-1980

It's a full picture. Dad stands with a man with long, black, curly hair, holding me.
A ginger girl and a spectacled man hold a black haired baby.
There are some other faces dotted around the picture that I recognise from Dad's stories.
It's the next page however, that really interests me.

Christmas day-1981

The page appears nearly empty.
Dad holds me, whilst a small blonde girl stands at his side.
Mary Mcdonald, I believe .
"We went from a 7... to a two in the span of mere months. I lost all my best friends . I miss him."
Dad chokes back a tear.
"He was the love of my life.."
"I know."
He holds my hand as the music fades out.

"But I know we'll meet again some sunny day."

The man in the photo smiles up at me, his dark hair pulled into a ponytail on this page.

"I miss him too."

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