Chapter 2

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I finished lunging Onyx(my brother's gelding) at around 5 pm. It was getting late so I rushed home to get ready for the party.

[speaking norwegian]
"KASS! Come down! Where did you put all the snacks?!"
"They're in the pantry!" I said quickly going down the strairs.
"There is nothing here." Xavier pointed to the empty shelves.
"Umm...but I swear they were full..."
"Yeah well they're clearly not. When was the last time you checked?"
"Uuhhh...I don't know. Can't you just take Jordan and go buy some?"
[speaking english]
"Did I hear my name? It's so annoying I can't understand you guys."
I smirked. I like it when people don't have a clue what we're talking about.

"We ran out of snacks so you two are going to buy some." I clarify.
Jordan got up, took his car keys and went straight out the door.

"Wow that was fast...he really is exited for the party" I whispered to my brother as he was following Jordan out. We both started laughing.

They came back pretty quickly. Just in time to arrange everything before the guests started arriving.
All of our friends arrived except Ember of course. I didn't wait for her anymore so I started tasting all the drinks we had.
I finally saw her through the window with a bottle of vodka so I quickly took two shots of tequila to greet her properly. Just when I opened the door... "Kassidy O'Connor!Tu perra{you b*tch}...UNA FIESTA?{a party}" I took advantage of her half opened mouth so I poured the shots.
"Yeah yeah I can't even understand wtf you' saying. You'll thank me later when you start having fun" I said leading her inside. I knew her too well...she wouldn't have come if she knew it was a party so I kinda lied to her...
But, of course, she started having a lot of fun as I expected. We drank, we danced...drank some more, played games basically all the 'party stuff'. The whole house started spinning around me when I heard Ember say "I need some air, I'll be back in a few minutes" gave her a small nod and then she left. I continued dancing even if I wasn't feeling very good. I finally taught it was time to take a break so I went to the kitchen. As I was filling a glass of water I felt my legs getting numb and my head hitting the floor...then everything became black and the music was slowly vanishing.
"Kass! Kass please wake up!.." Jordan's alarmed voice brought me back. I slowly opened my eyes...everything was blur except his hazel eyes staring into mine. I found myself saying "Since when do you call me 'Kass'?!" He sighed in relief "oh, thank god. Now let's take you to your room." He slipped his strong arm around my shoulders but I stopped him before he could grab me "I don't need help. I can walk myself thank you very much" the sarcasm in my voice made him chuckle "God, your arrogance doesn't leave you even when you're drunk af...I'm walking you to your room, no comments!" That was the last thing I heard before passing out one more time.

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