Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes. "What the hell?" I mumbled. I was laying in the back of Jordan's car. As I got up a harsh pain flashed through my head. My phone was buzzing like crazy. I stretched out to the front and picked it up. "Oh, great!" I said looking at the screen with my brother's name on it. I turned my phone off and threw it in my bag.

The sky was turning brighter and brighter making the stars fade away. I got out of the car and saw Jordan sitting on the damp grass waiting for the sun to rise. He turned around and instantly smiled at me. "Just in time!"
I took a seat right next to him. The cold morning breeze felt so refreshing, my headache was completely gone.

"Slept well?" He asked waking me up from my thoughts.
"Could've been better." I teased.
"Thank me later." He smirked.
We both turned back looking at the rising sun and his rays that made the town below us shine like gold.
"Where are we?"
"My secret spot" he gave me a wink and laughed.
"Oh, should I be flattered?"
He shrugged hid shoulders "If you ask me I think you already are. Any other girl would be."
"Hah, of course." I said rolling my eyes.

Jordan's phone started ringing. He reached to his pocket. "Xavier." He said giving me a surprised look.
"Don't answer!!" I shouted "Turn it off Jordan, I'm serious!"
"Make me." He said stretching his hand in the air so I couldn't reach the phone.
I started jumping trying to reach the phone but it got me to no end, just Jordan looking down at me and laughing.
"God you're short" he said under his breath.
I gave up.
"Guess I'll just have to answer then." He said smiling bright and happy that he won.
I sighed and sat back down on the grass.
"Ay bro what's up?" I heard him say.
"What? What do you mean she didn't come home last night?" He said glancing at me with a fake-surprised look.
"...Maybe she went at Ember's." He scratched the back of his neck in frustration. "I think you need to calm down. Kassy can take care of herself, she's a big girl" he looked at me again holding his laugh back.
"SHE'S ONLY 16 JORDAN!" I heard my brother scream on the phone.
Jordan sighed. "Xavier, calm down. We'll find her don't worry." He hung up and put his phone back in his pocket looking at me while I was admiring the sunrise.

It was so peaceful there, with him. For a moment I forgot all my problems. I wanted those moments to never end.

Suddenly Jordan's touch on my back woke me up from my thoughts. I looked up. He had a small smile lighting his face even more than the sun did. "We should go." He spoke in a soft voice.

"Here we are." Jordan said pulling up in front of my house.
I sighed "okay." Jordan pulled me in a comforting hug.
"Thank you, Jordan." I whispered in his ear
"Anytime!" He gave me a small smile.

I opened the door with confidence. I made a deal with myself that I won't let my parents get through me, not anymore.
[speaking Norwegian]
"Oh, there she is!" I heard my dad's impatient voice. My parents turned to face me. Xavier didn't even move an inch to look at me.
"Where have you been? Oh, darling! We were so worried!" Mom said jumping on me with a hug.
"You're in big trouble young lady!" She added changing her voice completely.

After about an hour of lectures I ended up grounded for a month. I couldn't go anywhere except the stables, not even to Ember's. I had to take out every school horse that hasn't been ridden that day plus mine and plus helping around the stable. Oh, and did I mention my brother had to stay with me the whole time?

Xavier was ignoring me completely, he didn't even look at me once on our way to the stables. I let him be, we would unfortunately start talking once we're riding.

First I took Arctic out for a dressage lesson which went pretty well. Honestly I was glad I had so much to do because I didn't have time to think about any other stupid things...

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