Chapter 22

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A Fan Translation

CHAPTER 22 - Education (Part 5)

It really was almost time for class, and I was feeling rushed. I remembered the time Xiao Ning had come running back to rescue me in the middle of the night. I could trust him.

So I gave him some advice: "If he goes too far you should call the police. Don't let yourself be dragged into a fight, or he may be able to put the blame on you."

Looking at the dead insects on the ground, I said, "If the insecticide isn't very harmful towards humans, use it as much as you can. You have to kill all those bugs."

"Don't worry." Ning Tiance's expression was earnest and solemn. He really was trustworthy.

Xiao Ning stood between us and Tian Bowen with his insects. I took Duan Youlian and Teacher Liu up the side stairs to avoid Tian Bowen. A few insects crawled over to us. I was just about to raise my foot to crush them, but the insects climbed onto Duan Youlian's raincoat and were drowned by the water on it.

"Nicely done, Xiao Duan!" I praised.

Xiao Duan still hadn't shaken the water off her raincoat. When I was cutting her nails on the school bus the water had gotten all over me, and I still felt cold from it. In fact, I wanted to pull her raincoat off and shake the water off, but I was afraid she wasn't wearing anything under it and didn't dare to act.

Even if I wasn't interested in women, I was a man, after all, and determined to be a gentleman. Naturally I couldn't go around pulling off girls' clothes.

The three of us quickly got to the classroom. It was already full of students. I counted quickly: there were still twenty-three. Tian Bowen had left and Duan Youlian had returned, so the number was the same.

Mu Huaitong really was a good student. Like last time, she was sitting in the center of the front row, looking fixedly at me with her chin in her hand.

When she saw Duan Youlian, her smile stiffened. Mu Huaitong stared at Teacher Liu and said, "Why is she back?"

Xiao Duan seemed to have some problems with her personal relationships. Tian Bowen didn't count, he was an expelled social element who was still around harassing the students. Xiao Duan could be forgiven for having a poor relationship with him. But Mu Huaitong...

Duan Youlian didn't speak. She just sat down next to Mu Huaitong. The water dripped off of her, spreading until it nearly reached Mu Huaitong's red high-heeled shoes. Mu Huaitong shrieked and stood up to avoid it. She said to Duan Youlian, "Get the hell away!"

Mu Huaitong was a child who liked cleanliness. Seeing the water, she was so scared she grabbed at her hair. Her long, long black hair floated around as if it was full of static electricity. It was about to wrap around Duan Youlian, but when it touched the water on her raincoat, the moisture dispersed the static and the hair smoothly fell back down.

Before class, I first had to establish harmonious relations between my new student and the other students. Teacher Liu huddled in a corner watching from the sidelines, as if he didn't want to get involved in the women's war.

But I couldn't let my classroom become the battlefield of a catfight. I stood between the two of them, grabbed Mu Huaitong's hair, and gathered it together. "Who has a rubber band? If you tie up your hair, there'll be no more static electricity."

Mu Huaitong was nearly about to cry. Her eyes were bloodshot. She stared at me and said, "You dare to tie my hair?"

"Your hair is long and beautiful, but if it's too long it will block your eyes and make it harder to attend class," I said. "When a girl's hair is so long, isn't it nice to put it up in a pretty hairstyle? What if I got you a bottle of hair gel?"

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