Chapter 27

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A Fan Translation

CHAPTER 27 - New Job (Part 4)

Following Mu Huaitong's directions, we finally dug up some bones before dawn. They were definitely human bones, including a femur and ribs. The rest of the bones were still buried deep in the pile of garbage, but this was enough to report a case.

As the sky gradually lightened, Mu Huaitong stood by the car watching us, a pale smile on her lips.

"It's time for you to leave," Ning Tiance said suddenly.

"Oh, yes," I said, looking at my watch. "Xiao Tong, you haven't slept all night. You should go home and rest. Since Lu Guangxi has nothing to do with you, you should keep clear of this and leave it to me to call the police."

"What are you going to say to the police? You were digging through garbage in the middle of the night?" Xiao Tong asked.

"Well..." I looked at the pile of garbage I'd been rummaging through. I really couldn't find a reason.

"Teacher Shen is so honest and upright, of course he can't think of a means for deceiving people," Mu Huaitong said with a smile, "but it doesn't matter. Finding the bones is enough. Make Lu Guangxi hold Yin Yaqiu's bones and don't worry about the rest. I'm sure that he will find his conscience and turn himself in."

I didn't quite understand what she meant, but Xiao Ning approved of this idea and put a bone into Lu Guangxi's hands.

When Lu Guangxi felt the cold rib, he was at once startled into consciousness. He looked down at the bone in his hand and asked, "What is this?"

"Yin Yaqiu's bone." I didn't know if it was true, but I decided to trust Mu Huaitong.

"What?" He started to convulse as though he were having an epileptic fit. He foamed at the mouth and his eyes rolled up into his head.

I thought Lu Guangxi was sick. I quickly held him down and fished out my phone to dial 120.

The phone had just started to ring when Lu Guangxi suddenly reached out and turned it off. He resumed his earlier poised appearance. Holding the rib bone, he said, "There's no need to call an ambulance. I want to turn myself in."

He took out his phone and dialed 110. "Hello, Comrade Police Officer, I want to turn myself in. I killed my girlfriend Yin Yaqiu three years ago. I suppose this line is being recorded. I'll tell you the whole story over the phone now."

It took him about ten minutes to tell how he had watched Yin Yaqiu bleed to death in front of his eyes, how he had boiled her bones and thrown them away like garbage. Then he told the police where he was, hoping that the officers would come to the dump to arrest him.

Lu Guangxi also said that he had dug up the bones himself because of his own conscience. Xiao Ning and I hadn’t known what we were digging for, we’d only been helping.

After that, Lu Guangxi fainted again. He didn't wake up no matter how I pinched him.

"What did you do to Manager Lu, Xiao Tong? You didn't give him truth serum, did you? That's illegal." I was concerned about Mu Huaitong, afraid she had involved herself somehow. But when I looked back, Mu Huaitong and the car Xiao Ning had driven here were both gone.

"Where's Xiao Tong?" I asked.

"While you were focused on Lu Guangxi's confession she drove my car away," Xiao Ning said. "It wasn't suitable for her to stay here."

That was true. My own private view was that I didn't want Mu Huaitong to be questioned by the police. She'd had a miserable experience similar to Yin Yaqiu's. It wouldn't be suitable for her to dig up those painful memories again.

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