Chapter 41

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A Fan Translation

CHAPTER 41 - The Last Class (Part 1)

Transcending twenty students at one time was a big deal. I had no experience in this field, so I asked Xiao Ning, the professional, whether there was a way.

Xiao Ning said, “A century ago, the Maoshan Sect did perform this kind of great magic working, transcending dozens or even hundreds of wandering souls at one time. But society is changing rapidly now, people's lives are becoming better and better every day. Starting from my Shifu's generation, no one has that kind of experience."

After sighing, he looked at me with blind faith. "But I believe in Teacher Shen. I'm sure you can do it."

With the approval of the one I cared for, I immediately pounded my chest as if I'd lost my soul. "No problem. I have my bag with me. Tomorrow I'll focus on preparing the lesson. I'll definitely think of the most perfect way to make everyone go be reborn together."

Xiao Ning smiled and kissed me. Maintaining our above the neck policy, we rolled around half the night before going to sleep.

In the morning, I woke earlier than Xiao Ning as usual. I thought of my promise the night before and was worried enough to lose my hair.

I looked at Xiao Ning's sleeping face and my heart tightened. Too many things had happened yesterday. I'd stayed in the hotel all day and had forgotten to buy the ointment. A little red bump had come up on Xiao Ning's face. He'd been scratching it in his sleep, too.

I went downstairs to buy ointment and band-aids. After applying the ointment for him, I stuck a band-aid onto Xiao Ning's face to keep him from unconsciously scratching and ruining his looks.

After finishing all of this, I decided to go back to my apartment to get Teacher Liu. Teacher Liu was rich in experience, so he should know what to do.

Xiao Ning's car was still parked in the parking lot at Farther Shore Estate. I had to drive the car back.

This time I had learned my lesson. I absolutely couldn't let Teacher Liu be out in the sun, or let him touch my blood.

Back in my room I picked up my laptop and the lesson plans I'd written in the past, put them in my bag with Teacher Liu, swept the room, and left a little reluctantly.

If all the students could transcend tonight, the school would be defunct, and I'd lose my job. My free housing would be gone.

Thinking back to my experience looking for a job, I patted my face. No matter how hard life was, I had to face it bravely.

I was driving Xiao Ning's luxury car for the first time. I had no idea what I was doing. I'd gotten my driver's license when I was in university and was a driver of five years' standing. But in reality I'd hardly touched a car in all those years. The whole way I was terrified of damaging such an expensive car.

Xiao Ning was already awake when I got back to the hotel. He'd piled up a large stack of books in the living room and was sitting cross-legged on the floor flipping through them.

"What's this for?" I was startled by the stack of books taller than I was.

"These are some copies of ancient books I had sent back to H City," Xiao Ning explained. "I'm going through them to see if there's any way to mass transcend ghosts, and I have found some, but all of them need many people to form the array. There isn't a space large enough now, so they're not very convenient to perform."

I also picked up a book of scripture about reincarnation, read for a while, then felt drowsy. It was even faster than reciting Marxist principles...

Wait, reciting?

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